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Empire of Midea

General information

  • Common, Midean, Elvish, Orcish, Bekish
  • Primarily human (60%) Elves (10%) Orcs (10%) Dwarves (5%) & Goblinoid (3%). Half-orcs and Half-elves each clock in at about 2% of the population and all other races make up the remainder. Interracial marriages are rare in Midea. 
  • Major allies: The Kingdom of Darelia, Republic of Glenflud
  • Major rivals: Autonomous Duchy of Dern, Kingdom of Bek, The Isles of the Glittering Sea, Republic of Irshad, Kingdom of Bek

Government organization

  • Leader: Emperor Athano Midan
  • Secondary leader: Lord High Marshal Orvis Andrand
  • None: Absolute, military government; rule by might


  • Standing army by Conscription: any person between the ages of 21 & 25 are soldiers by law for at least 3 years, with few exceptions (such as those apprenticed to a trade) 
  • Athano is the figurehead of the army but the Lord High Marshal carries out the actual orders


  • Major imports: weaponry, fine art, magical items
  • Major exports: wine, cheese, wood, fine linen, glass goods
  • Smuggled/illicit items: Magical items, alcohol 
  • Food: Pasta and Olives are very popular, as are sausages, fruit, and fish


  Midean culture is dominated by war and the hero-worship of the emperor as the second coming of their ancient hero Lothra.   


Aohr amd Irdal are venerated excessively though Rayna is also respected. The worship of Aohr is mandatory for all Midean subjects and Athano claims to be descended from Aohr. Aohr is also considered the god of war in Midea.  

Art, Architecture, & Literature

  • Main literary figures/works: Lothra is the culture-hero of Midea, but most works are military epics or tragic romances where lovers are torn apart by circumstances beyond their control 
  • Military designs and motifs, such as swords, spears, beasts, and soldiers are common themes in Midean art. 
  • Due to its recent expansion into an empire, there is a lot of variation in the Midean architecture, but in Midea, the buildings tend to have rooftop gardens (the roofs tend to be flat) or domes, and buildings tend to be plastered with clay or made from yellow or red stone. The emphasis is on beauty as well as function, and window boxes are popular. Plazas have great fountains in them. 


  • Midea amd Afora are the two biggest population centers of the Empire, although there are many smaller towns amd cities on the peninsula. 
  • General climate: Warmer and a bit drier than Dern, the Midean territory is renowned as an excellent wine growing area. 

Articles under Empire of Midea


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