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Fridtun is a coastal city with beautiful half-timbered buildings set against a rolling, bucolic countryside.

General information

  • Language: Halfling, common, some Dwarvish
  • Demographics: mostly halfling with a few dwarves, elves, and human
  • Fridtun
  • Major allies: Kingdom of Hrotha, Autonomous Duchy of Dern, the Princedom of Bavran
  • Major Rivals: The Tribes of Sharra, the Tribes of Az-Gorth, the Confederacy of Byrwed

Government organization

  • Leader:
  • Secondary leader:
  • Governmental bodies: Governed by an elected council, and citizens vote on major laws


Fridtun doesn't really have a proper army, so their City Guard are trained more like soldiers than guards  


  • Major imports: wine, spices, magical items, grain, wood, metal goods
  • Major exports: fine ales, tobacco, fine linen and wool, lace, carved wooden objects, herbs, dyes, pearls, cheese
  • Smuggled/illicit items: Fine foods, metal goods, magical items
  • Food: simple, healthy food without too much fuss is the usual fare here
  • Most Fridtunian Halflings are employed as artisans, though a fare number are farmers.


Descent & kinship systems:

Like other halflings, Fridtunian Halflings trace descent bilaterally though in Fridtun, the clan system has been abandoned in favor of a house system. Inheritance rules: the bulk of the Inheritance goes to the oldest child/nearest relative Marriage rules: People often marry their distant cousins, but sometimes marriages with foreign spouses are practiced, especially with Arfen. Virtues/Values: Halflings appreciate hard-work and quality craftsmanship, although a life of leisure is also desired.  


Main Deity: Rayna (as the protector of the home) Secondary Deity: Aohr (as a farmer) Priests: The priests of Fridtun are responsible for overseeing elections and open council sessions with prayer. They also bless the fields and workshops yearly during the Feast of the Mother. Fridtun is fairly open to other customs and peoples, but they aren't goings to let those change their traditions  

Art, Architecture, & Literature

Main literary figures/works (ei, poetry, romances, histories, etc The Ballad of Old Hook-finger is the daring tale of a halfling pirate named Hook-finger who had many adventures. The Tale of Daisy the Wanderer is a story about a milkmaid who ends up having wild adventures on accident while trying to get home after getting lost in the woods Art styles & motifs: flowers, produce, and domestic animals are all common images in Fridtun, where the focus is generally on the home, as are idealized persons and scenes of a simple, domestic life Defining architectural features: Most houses and buildings in Fridtun are one or two stories high with low ceilings (to other races, at least), made from half-timbered construction  


Major geophysical features: Fridtun sits at the mouth of the Byrfa River, General climate: Rainy springs, mild summers, stormy autumns and cold, wet winters  


Fridtun was founded in 5196 SF, by Artu the Builder, as a colony of the Kingdom of Arfen. Soon it became a major trading hub and grew into a city, eventually ceding from Arfen and joining the Byrwed Confederacy. It became an independent country with the Treaty of Byrwed in 5953 SF Past conflicts: The Squabbles were a series of relatively minor conflicts between Byrwed and Fridtun that resulted in the Treaty of Byrwed.
Geopolitical, City-state

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