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Kingdom of Arfen

The rolling green plains were dotted with small dwellings, and the people there were small and full of all the coziness one could dream of- I would gladly stop there a hundred years if I had the time to. And their Queen ruled with such fairness and sternness, no one would dare cross her. Though the Halflings of Arfen are small and indulge in the pleasures of the world, their strength of will is as hearty and admirable as any Dwarven warrior. General information Languages: Halfling, common, dwarvish Demographics: primarily halfling with a few gnomes and dwarves. Humans, elves and others are exceedingly rare Major settlements: Arteln, Ayren, Fayra Major allies: Kingdom of Iron, the Autonomous Duchy of Dern Major Rivals: Kingdom of Darelia, the Princedom of Bavran   Government organization Leader: Queen Mara XII Brightbrow Secondary leader: Princess Serena Brightbrow   Military Although young halflings are taught basic defensive things, there isn't standing halfling army.   Economy Major imports: alcohol, fine foods, spices, magical items, art irems, books Major Exports: Halfling Ale, cheese, musical instruments, Smuggled/illicit items Food Notes on money, jobs, etc.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

Articles under Kingdom of Arfen


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