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Republic of Irshad

From the jagged cliffs of the Shattered Coast to the wide open expanses of Moresh and the dense, verdant jungles of Irshad, the Republic of Irshad might be the most diverse country in terms of its scenery.

General information

  • Language: Common, Sylvan, Elvish, Irsheli, feyp
  • Demographics: Tabaxi, Loxodon, & Leonin make up the majority of the population, although there are sizable populations of lizardfolk, yuan ti, minotaurs, centaurs, aarokorca, and tortles as well. There are also smaller populations of fey, elves, and other creatures here.
  • Major settlements: Irshad, Iri-Usha, and Port Zahn
  • Major allies: Republic of Zannost, Realm of Telysa, Queendom of Moriga

Government organization

  • Leader: Bibrum of Iri-Usha (Prime Minister)
  • Secondary leader: Grand Mask of the Pure Crag Clan
  • Governmental bodies: Irshad is ruled by a 300-member Council.


The army is made up of volunteers, but each tribe, clan, or city is required to train at least a third of its adults for military service.  


  • Major Imports: fine fabrics, books, magical items, gnomish inventions
  • Major exports: Fruits, wood, silk, spices, art
  • Smuggled/illicit items: A wide variety of luxury goods are smuggled


Irshad is home to many different cultures, so this varies greatly within the Republic.  


irshad is a very tolerant place due to its inherent diversity.  

Art, Architecture, & Literature

  • Main literary figures/works: The most famous literary work is the Book of Seven Brothers, which tells the adventures of a band of soldiers who formed a kind of brotherhood and formed
  • Art styles & motifs: Irshadian art is dominated by lust, over-the-top organic forms.
  • Defining architectural features: In the south and east, stone building with geometric carvings are common but in the north and west, simple wooden structures are most common.


  • Major cities: Irshad, Iri-Usha, Port Zahn
  • General climate: Generally hot and humid, with a lot of rain in the western region.


The Republic was formed from a collection of tribes and lesser countries during the age of Toive, and it has been fairly stable and peaceful since then, with only minor internal conflicts since then.
Geopolitical, Republic

Articles under Republic of Irshad


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