
The life Reader Karasu

The mother of death and the Shepherd of Souls, once your soul reaches her she will judge you on what you did while you were alive and send you to remember what's your alignment bequeath you too, she pities those whose bodies have reanimated themselves all by one fiddling with magic they do not know or they most certainly might know what they are doing what they do, and to them, she says “Damn you all” and sends her legions after them and the Undead out of their misery. However if you follow her and you please her with what you do in life she will let you stay by her side, when you go on to the afterlife and spend the rest of your eternal days at the roots of the Tree of Life.  

Loved by dragons

Closely tied to the dragons as having requested from Mugen powerful beings to aid her deal with the souls that have been judged and to take them to their new life be it a punishment or reward and as such Mogon and Dragon were made and even one of their children Seraress part of the cycle as all things need to at one point decay. This has led to a great number of dragons that are religious to view her in a great light almost being their grandmother in a way witch has led to her influence growing.

Divine Domains

Death, judgment and rebirth


The Blade of Impereurs
The greatsword that was owned by the fallen warrior Impereurs, when he was the ladies champion he was gifted the sword as a show of his worth, but he could no longer hold it when he was killed and soul forced into the service of a dark god.
Karasu's Staff
Given to the first high priestess, Alumn to combat an army of shadow creatures that came to attack the goddess in her home, in the staff came the power to destroy undead by draining the power that powers them.

Holy Books & Codes

The scrolls of life and death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Large tree that on the branches are hanging scrolls.

Tenets of Faith

  • Destroy the undead in the land that they work.
  • Not a single body can be taken from any grave.
  • To find the path to once own fate.
  • One must know all about another to know there fate.


The Day of Death.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To see that the dead are put to rest.
  • To not allow anyone to mess with fate.
  • All must pass on at some point in their life.
  • Destroy any and all undead that was not given sanction by her.
Divine Classification
Greater Power
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Alabaster white.


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