
The Land of the Gods

A true place of worship where each god is given there own city to be worshipped in. A place where it is said that here it is the easiest to speak to the gods, and it is here where it is said that the gods sent down the angles to help in the creation of the Aasimars when the Teflings came into the world by the hand and will of Asmodeus. Having a city for each god the people help each other by sending them over city resources from their own. Each city is lead by an Aasimar high priest also known as a Speaker or oracles as they are said to be the closest to the gods.


The chosen of the gods to sever as their mouths and lead their churches, normally Aasimars or at least have some angelic blood in them they first came about with the first holders were the angle themselves but after having children the title was pasted on to them when the angles needed to return to there homes. However, the title isn't necessarily heredity but it has been known to stay in the same family for a few generations then pass on.


The races that originally came to this land were:
  • Aasimar
  • Frost dwarfs
  • Humans
  • Tiefling

Aasimars and Tieflings

Both Aasimars and Tieflings were made in Lupen in 356AR first was the Tieflings by the Devil Asmodeus and the over Arch Devils, and then the Aasimars by the angles that were sent down by the gods in a quest to cure Tieflings of the devil blood, that quest was never fully done as they still have their assortment of skin tones, horns and some with cloven feet. However, the angelic blood of an Aasimar can stay dormant in a bloodline until awoken by a god forcing it awake or by a traumatic experience forcing the power out.


In this land, the gods are highly praised were saying anything bad about the worshipped will lead to everyone else ostracising them.

Public Agenda

The leaders of the churches heavily emphasise the worship of the gods and there teaching and the warnings of the Dark Gods and to stay far away from them.


The people of the land have a lot of time on their hands so they tend to focus themselves on a single task and tend to become a masters in their crafts making beautiful armours, weapons, jewellery and many more.

Mythology & Lore

The land that is said to be made for the sole purpose as a land to worship the gods so the gave the world a white canvas to work on and show there feeling towards them. Said to have been a calibration of Mugen and Lady Alora weaving the power together to make a new island after The Reset.

All are welcome


  • Lupen
    A basic map of Lupen showing the main cities and the towns at the time.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Holy land
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Related Ethnicities


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