City of Ashera

Ashera is a city located in the center of the continent, built on the estuary of the Eisen River, and is a thriving city of trade and commerce. It is a plutocracy that has established itself as the central port for all major sea trade and transportation, and has managed to maintain autonomy and independence from The Council.  


Valport Harbor

Valport Harbor is the entry point for anyone who arrives at Ashera via the sea or the Eisen River, separated from Highcrest via a massive gate. Due to the nature of Ashera, the harbor has the capacity to house hundreds of transportation vessels at once. Upon arrival, city protocol dictates proper documentation to be shown to city guards before entry is permitted. Further documentation is sometimes necessary to access Highcrest from the harbor, resulting in a bustling independent local economy amongst the residents of the Harbor.  


Highcrest is located on the west side of the Eisen River, is considered to be the City Proper of Ashera, and is often synonymous with the perception of the city itself. Numerous businesses, markets, housing districts, and organizations can be found here. Depending on the current state of the continent or city, additional documentation may be required to acquire entry.  


Cheapsyde is located on the east side of the Eisen river, and as the name implies, is the less prosperous district of Ashera. It holds the largest overall landmass of the city, but is primarily populated by slave quarters, farming lands, and other establishments of notably lower quality. Unlike other districts of Ashera, documentation or verification is usually not necessary in order to enter this section of the city.  


The city of Ashera is a plutocracy that is governed by a legislative body consisting of individuals who represent the most prominent and successful businesses in the city. It also consists of a single representative from The Council, though this position has historically been a formality in order to maintain friendly relations. This legislative body determines the taxes, tariffs, and local laws of the city.   The number of representatives fluctuates based on the current economic standings in the city, however, it currently consists of a total of 8 members:   1. Kata, a representative of FLORA
2. Evelyn Kipling, a representative of The Council
3. Illitran Orithis, a representative of the Shonin Corporation
4. Akane Hanako, a representative of Ashera's entertainment strip
5. Yafer Duskmail, a representative of Toreda, the local military force
6. Henmar Pasys, a representative of Stalwart Academy
7. Ogdad Drukterm, a representative of Platinum Spoke
8. Gwent Parsell, a representative of the Amberwick Shipping Company
Large city
Included Locations
Characters in Location


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