
A strong proud militaristic people with rigid views and a dedicated loyalty to the Yuan-ti. Their admiration for the Yuan-ti comes from their belief that the Yuan-ti are are more evolved version of themselves. Most Lizardfolk may never interact with a Yuan-ti and instead communicate with them through high placed Owlin. Although they are not hostile or impolite in any way there is some resentment over the favouring of the Owlin by the Yuan-ti.   Lizardfolk who do get to be close to the Yuan-ti by whatever means, be it as being honoured for some military action or working as a maid or other such service job, are extremely proud of such interactions. A Lizardfolk that works as a cleaner for a Yuan-ti is considered extremely lucky. It is a honour to serve in any way they can.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Taboos

Any sleigh on the Owlin or Yuan-ti is highly offensive out of a sense of duty in the case of the Owlin and out of admiration in the case of the Yuan-ti.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Lizardfolk see the Yuan-ti as second to only the gods. Although they are more likely to follow a the orders of a Yuan-ti over that of even a god.
100 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution