
The Owlin sit just beneath the Yuan-ti in terms of power and influence in Slionogoth. Due to the Yuan-ti' reclusive nature the Owlin act as a buffer between the Yuan-ti and other races. They are the only race that has frequent contact with the Yuan-ti.   They are an intelligent species made up entirely of females. In fact, this is why they serve the Yuan-ti with such devotion as if it was not for the Yuan-ti the Owlin would have became extinct. When an Owlin lays an egg then it gives it to the Yuan-ti who then are able to ensure it will hatch into a young Owlin. For many millennia these eggs have only hatched into female Owlin. So the debt the Owlin owe to the Yuan-ti can not be understated.   The Owlin look down upon the lesser evolved race of Yuan-ti known as the Lizardfolk. But they will never be rude to a Lizardfolk in front of a Yuan-ti.   While the Lizardfolk serve as the Yuan-ti's military might and general workforce (such as cleaners, cooks, butlers) the Owlin serve as administrators and more academic roles.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Primarily Abyssal but many learn Feline in order to understand the Felines.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Owlin see Lizardfolk as a tool to be used for the Yuan-ti who they revere.
100 years
Average Height
medium or small
Geographic Distribution

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