
Although they are few in number they hold more power per individual of their race than any other in the whole of Ferrovax. For this race rules over the region of Slionogoth which they enforce with a fanatical loyalty of the Lizardfolk. Their small numbers and the the fanatical following of the Lizardfolk is down to their origin as the evolution of the Lizardfolk. The military might of Slionogoth is made up largely of the formidable armies of Lizardfolk.   The Owlin are also fiercely loyal to the Yuan-ti. They are rewarded for their loyalty by positions at the upper echelons of society in Slionogoth often acting as emissaries for the Yuan-ti who dislike interactions with the people of regions outside Slionogoth.   The Yuan-ti despise the Gith (Githyanki and Githzerai) although the origin of such hatred has long been forgotten by all but the Yuan-ti themselves. The only thing preventing the Yuan-ti from launching an all out war against the Gith is geography, the barrier of Dragonspine Peaks.   Besides their hatred for the Gith, and favourable views on Lizardfolk and Owlin, they look down upon all other races in Ferrovax. Although it might be a stretch to claim their view on the Lizardfolk and Owlin is favourable and not just because they prove so useful at keeping them in such a position of power. In fact, the Yuan-ti limit their interaction with any other species besides their own sending Owlin in their place. The only race they trust to perform other duties for them are the Lizardfolk.   The Yuan-ti are organised in a caste system with the more snake like at the top. "Pure" is used as a derogatory term for Yuan-ti that are more human like. However, even the Yuan-ti purebloods, who are the most human like, are above all non Yuan-ti in Slionogoth.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

100 years
Average Height
medium or small
Geographic Distribution