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The Labyrinth Library

The library is locked from the outside and it will take some time to get in. The party can choose to either search for the key, or they can choose to break through a window. There will be consequences for breaking the window (up to the DM). For example, the party may cut themselves on broken glass entering, or they may alert nearby townsfolk to the forced entry. It is up to the DM how the mimic townsfolk will react to such an action.

The key to the library is located at the magic items shop. The party can choose to purchase or steal the key from the shop in order to unlock the library door. It is being sold for 4 days worth of rations, though it may be bartered for as well.

It should be noted that the key is actually a mimic. However, it will not attempt to harm the party. Rather, after being used, it will realize that it is no longer worthwhile to stay a key and may change into another similar small object, preferably something metal (for example, a silver or copper coin, a doorknob, a crowbar, etc. A random number generator can be used to determine the outcome of the change). The party can choose to either ditch the mimic or keep it with them for later use if they determine its new form to be useful. (Note: if it changes into a coin, it may be accepted as a reasonable form of payment later on with a low perception/insight check.)

Once the door is unlocked or the library is broken into, the adventurers have free access to the library. It is decrepid and run-down, hosting 2 floors of bookshelves. The bottom floor has 2 empty bookshelves, while the upper floor has 2 bookshelves with mysteriously vacant sections. as well. Books are scattered across the library, and there are a few old and worn-out chairs available as seating. None of the books in the library are mimics, so the party is free to select them as they'd like. However, some of the chairs may or may not be mimics.

There is a hidden labyrinth underneath the library only accessible by solving the library's puzzle. This used to be the town's underground burial site. Since the town has been abandoned, it has also run rampant with mimics and other creatures, such as rats, bats, and the occasional goblin. When certain books are placed into the empty shelf upstairs, the 2 shelves on the lower floor will move apart, reveling a hidden staircase leading underground.

The books required to solve this puzzle are scattered on the ground around the library. Each book has a title relating to death, medicine, or healing. The beginning letter of each book will read "DEAD BUT NOT GONE" when put in the correct order upstairs. Each shelf only has room for the correct number of letters in each word. Once each book is put in place, a click and deep scraping sound will be heard below them. Once they return downstairs, the party will see the staircase as the moved bookshelves almost immediately.

A wisdom saving throw (dc 10) will be needed for the party to not reel away from the staircase as the scent of rot and decay wafts out from it. The same check should be made every in-game hour to see how the party is holding up against the scent. Cloth can be placed over the mouth and nose to prevent the need for this in the future. The party can choose to either go down immediately or wait until they are better prepared. The stairs will remain open as long as the books are still in place. It is recommended that the party have some form of light source (if they do not have darkvision), as all of the torches underground are extinguished.

Once the party is sufficiently prepared, they can venture down into the depths of the catacombs. It is up to the party if they wish to bring any NPCs with them. Sylvira Pridehollow would be the most helpful while navigating the tombs.



Alvora Ebonest

Grace Autumn

Selene Rune

Mithtari Zethis

Alanis Valdi

Raeli Asterisk

Hise Nirakes


Sylvira Pridehollow


Mimics. Of course.





Mimics who have taken to living in the catacombs

Hungry rats

Biting insects


Negotiation with Sylvira Pridehollow

Combat/engagement with underground mimics

Travel/Exploration of the winding tunnels

Planning how to escape the catacombs once inside without getting lost

Investigation of the seemingly unending catacombs

Diaster/Mishap of getting lost in the tunnels

Survival while deep underground

Investigation of mysterious artifacts within the catacombs

Plot type
Subplot: Act 1
Related Locations


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