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Prince of Frost

The Prince of Frost, also called the Pale Prince and the Lord of the Long Night, is a mighty archfey of the Winter Court. 


The Prince of Frost resembles a slender eladrin with frosted skin, long white hair, and white eyes. He continually gives off an aura of freezing cold. His smile holds no warmth.


The Pale Prince is bitter and merciless, though not unnecessarily cruel. He will ally with other archfey only against dire threats, and prefers to deal with his enemies quickly, viciously, and without regard for collateral damage. He holds mortals in complete contempt.


The Prince of Frost has many powerful, innate magical abilities, such as being able to freeze mortal creatures and summon blizzards. He is known to speak the languages of elves, dragons, giants, and primordials, as well as the common language. The Pale Prince can see even when there was little light.


The Prince of Frost rules over the Vale of Long Night in the Feywild. It is a place where the sun never rises and the moon never sets, a frigid place where the snow never melts and the trees are eternally covered in frost. Barren orchards and ruined farms there reflected the fears of mortal farmers. A glacier rises to the north, and a vast, ever-frozen lake stretches across the south. The wind seems to sing a song of pain and loss, and the cold seems to reach through one's body to freeze even their dreams.   The Pale Prince rules the Vale from his Fortress of Frozen Tears, a citadel which is supposedly constructed out of frozen tears of sorrow. Within it, he keeps a number of frozen mortals that he has turned into ice statues.


The Prince of Frost seeks to cover the mortal world in ice and eternal winter.


The Prince of Frost is the son of Titania, the Summer Queen, and presumably the brother of her other children as well.   Among the other fey, the Pale Prince has been shunned by those of the Summer Court, and even hated by a few of those faeries, but the older and more powerful of them only pity him. The fey of winter, however, unite under him when they unite at all, although he is by no means their ruler, or seen as a threat to the Queen of Air and Darkness.    The Pale Prince's most favored servants are the Sisters of Lament, the two remaining Daughters of Delight. In their grief and his bitter sorrow, they have changed into horrific, undead shades of what they once were.   The Pale Prince is also served by various fey associated with winter, as well as some white dragons and other creatures of cold. However, despite his normal hatred for mortals, he has few mortal servants, called the Wintertouched; as he is known to make pacts with warlocks and some druids do follow him. Warlocks who make pacts with him are called Long Night Scions.   The Prince of Frost hates the Raven Queen for her role in the loss of his beloved, and delights in usurping some of her power through his association with freezing death and darkness. On her part, however, the Raven Queen is said to desire him as an exarch or even a consort.


The Prince of Frost was once known as the Sun Prince, and his realm was a place of light and summer warmth. Among the denizens of his vale were a trio of sisters called the Daughters of Delight, powerful fey from another summer realm. The most beautiful of the three was Sharaea, with whom the Sun Prince was in love, and betrothed to; Sharaea loved him in return.   Eventually, however, Sharaea grew bored with the endless revelry of the fey and left it for the Material Plane, where she fell in love with a mortal hero and fought against the forces of darkness at his side. The Sun Prince soon grew jealous and demanded that she honor her promise and marry him. When she refused, the Prince swore that he would not let her go, even if he had to hold her prisoner. Sharaea, not strong enough to face him and fearing for the safety of her mortal lover, instead made a bargain with the Raven Queen that cast her soul and her lover's soul far ahead in time. She intended that the time would allow the Sun Prince to calm and heal.   Instead, the Sun Prince grew bitter with sorrow and his sunny realm turned into one of winter night. His heart turned to ice and he left his name behind when he left the Summer Court. The remaining Daughters of Delight were twisted by his sorrow into the Sisters of Lament. Since taking his name as Lord of the Long Night, his relationship with the Summer Court is all but sundered. There are whispers that he may be a consort of the Queen of Air and Darkness, but nothing is confirmed.




Towards Prince of Frost


Prince of Frost


Towards Damh




Towards Prince of Frost


Prince of Frost


Towards Verenestra



The Pale Prince, The Lord of the Long Night   Formerly:The Sun Prince
Damh (Brother)
Verenestra (Sister)
Aligned Organization


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