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Blanchardstown (Blan-chrd-town)

A small town known for its orchards that produce apples year-round thanks to the proximity to the Mirsk and the ambient Faerie magic of the forest.  

Ruling Nobility

Baronet Leif Mowbrey, "Sir Leif" and Baronet Miranda Mowbrey, "Lady Mowbrey".


Has the largest halfling population in County Mythshire thanks to the orchards. It's proximity to the Mirsk also gives it a more diverse fey aligned population. Elves are not uncommon, and there is even a family of gnomes.

Industry & Trade

Blanchardstown has orchards that produce year-round the most delicious apples around. It's apple-based food and drink are famous throughout the area, and Halfstout Apple Cider is a prime export.

Natural Resources

Wood, Apples, Wild Animals
County of Mythshire
The county of Mythshire during the events of Echoes of Sardior.
Founding Date
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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