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The Gelasian Swamp

Gelasia is a former section of Irasia that split itself off during a time of famine. Originally under the control of the Gelitha Family, when the Irasian family insulted them they declared their independance, throwing Irasia into a war that's lasted for thousands of years. Now, these lands are called Gelasia in honor of the family who split them off.


With marshlands that stretch as far as the eyes can see, Gelasia isn't the most welcoming of sights. Home to various rivers that crisscross over most of the land that Gelasians call home, these rivers cause large amounts of flooding throughout the years, resulting in the marshes that Gelasia is known for.

Fauna & Flora

Gelasia is home to a large variety plant life, many of these are known to be poisonous like the famous Gelasian Pasin Vine. However due to the loose soil many plants have discvered various ways to continue to grow, resulting in some odd sights like floating trees, underwater plants and various other weird mutations.   The animal life that can be found in Gelasia varies, but it is common to assume that many of them are toxic in one manner or another. While many amphibians live here, it is the number of fish that is largest. Birds find nests in whatever area above ground that they can, and mammals are almost non-existant in these dangerous swamps.

Natural Resources

While most of Gelasia's land is not suitable for farming, Gelasians have found away around this problem. Large populations have learned to drain the swamplands to make room for buildings and farms. While nowhere as efficient as it would be on there land, it allows the Gelasians to sustain themselves.   Poisons and other toxins can be extracted from the flora and fauna, and a special wood called Fuelwood can be found in these large swamps.


  • Gelasia
Alternative Name(s)
The Marsh Lands, Gelasia
Wetland / Swamp
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
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