ToD: Session 41: Going to Boareskyr Bridge Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

ToD: Session 41: Going to Boareskyr Bridge

General Summary

After having defended Lohona from the Cult of the Dragon and saying their goodbeyes to Tharkall Voxen, they started traveling to their original destination: Boareskyr Bridge. There they were informed that Varram was last seen. The journey with their Wyvern; Solair and Hippogriff; Buckbeak only took 14 days. During the journey towards Boaresyr Bridge while they were camping in the High Moor they were attacked by giant crocodiles. They fought them off and continued, while flying they saw in the distance a castle with a giant bat like shadow flying out of it.   As the party got close to Boareskyr Bridge they saw two giant statues who they found out to be Bhaal and Cyric who fought during the Second Sundering on this bridge. And in the distance Elturel's second sund Companion As they landed they went to look for Varram. They were send towards Bolo's Tentside Inn were they met the Halfling proprieter named Bolo. Shet told them this:
"A dwarf in purple robes? Oh, I saw him. He was asking about escorts into the hills, when this hooded fellow starts asking him his business. The dwarf looked him straight in the eye, then pulled out his dagger and stabbed the tall fellow dead! He was one of the scaled folk of the Serpent Hills, come down to spy on us! That dwarf's a hero, make no mistake. But he and his entourage took off straight away for the hills then, quick as cats!"
and told the party that he went nort-north east.   The party went on their journey following the tracks of Varram and his entourage. On the second day they walked past a river and were ambushed by a raiding band of Lizardfolk. They defeated them and scattered along the hills. As they continued they saw two Hill Giants gorging on a goat. The group tried to fly over it but as they went into the sky one of the giants threw a builder at Buckbeak who fell to the ground. Then they started retaliating and after they stunned and incapacited them and one of them jumped on Sidon who then lifted his corpse over his head and killed the last of the giants.   They had a rest a little while later and the next day in the evening on the 15th of Leaffall they arrived a an abandoned area. Here they saw almost broken delapited buildings and a little campfire that was extuingished for a long while. There were also some graves, and a empty dry fountain. As they continued searching Leo and Sidon came upon two statue's who grinded and turned towards the two and spoke.
"Halt. You come before Diderius, ether walker and conduit of clairvoyance. Behold ye now his wondrous triumphs. Diderius extends wisdom, and Diderius offers knowledge. Which do you seek?"
Leo said he sought knowledge and the statue responded with: "Diderius shall grant you what you seek, but only if you heed him and continue to show proper respect!"   They then entered the Structure which turned out to be a tomb, and as they opened the first door Leo went in first and got a message in his head saying: Some secrets are not meant for mortal minds to know. Look away from the darkness in which such knowledge hides. and he closed his eyes and continued, the party then followed and did the same after which they arrived in another room. Here they saw the ground beginning to move and going in for a strike.
Tyranny of Dragons
Zarra Koni
Leo Kennedy
Lawfull Good Human (Haunted One)
Wizard 4
26 / 26 HP
Sidon Psári
Lawfull Good Triton (Outlander)
Paladin 4
39 / 39 HP
Report Date
03 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters

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