Immurk's Hold Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Immurk's Hold

Immurk's Hold was the largest city found within the Pirate Isles on the Sea of Fallen Stars as of 1488 DR. The city was named for its founder, the pirate Immurk.


All kinds of species appeared, from Humans to Sea Elves, aslong as you were a pirate you were welcome.


Power was the only respected law in Immurk's Hold. Ruling pirate captains enforced their edicts with bands of thugs who were just as eager to loot as they were to actually enforce any law. A set of pirate traditions, known as Immurk's Code, served as the accepted code of conduct.


Each and every inhabitant of the city, regardless of age or sex, was expected to come to the city's defense during an attack.  

Pirate Patrols

The borders of Immurk's Hold are guarded by pirate patrols. They consist of:
  • Leader
  • Wizard
  • Cleric
  • Pirates
  • Aerial Patrol consisting of Gargoyles
  Underwater it was protected by Evil Malenti with Killer Whales.   The streets were protected by levies from arrived vessels. Each ship had to levy 5 crew members to the patrols who walked and protected the town.

Industry & Trade

Practically any form of trade associated with the sea was conducted within Immurk's Hold.


Immurk's Hold was founded in 1182 DR by Immurk the Pirate Lord. After the death of Immurk in 1201 DR the rule of the prirate isles was under contest by multiple pirate captains. Many of them claimed to be the new true Pirate Lord. During this time arrose Urdogen the Red. He laid claim to the Sea of Fallen Stars and Immurk's Hold. And won the allegiance of enough pirates to become the new pirate lord. He disapeared during the pirate wars during the finbal battle with Cormyr, Sembia, Impiltur, and the Vilhon Reach. After his disappearence there was no ruler of Immurk's Hold until 100 years later when a mysterious captain arrose only known by the name: The Buccaneer Monarch. She has ruled until modern times.

Points of interest


The city was situated on the western coast of Dragonisle.


Founding Date
1182 DR
Location under

Immurk's Code

Articles under Immurk's Hold


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