Steam and Steel Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Steam and Steel

Steam and Steel was a Smithy in the city of Waterdeep in the 15th century DR.   The Steam and Steel was owned and operated by a Genasi couple, Avi and Embric. The former was a Water Genasi and an expert armorsmith, who used his control over elemental water to quench the heat of hot steel. The latter was a Fire Genasi and an expert weaponsmith, who used his control over elemental fire to tend their smithy's forge.

Purpose / Function

Operating during daylight hours, this smithy offered a wide variety of armors, shields, metal tools, and weaponry.


This smithy stood along Trollskull Alley, in the North Ward of Waterdeep.
The Steam and Steel had an indoor forge and their building featured many windows.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Characters in Location


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