Sulmest's Splendid Shoes & Boots Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Sulmest's Splendid Shoes & Boots

Sulmest's Splendid Shoes & Boots was a high-quality shoe store in the city of @Waterdeep.   The proprietor, Darion Sulmest Sulmest, was a high-ranking member of Waterdeep's Order of Cobblers & Corvisers.

Purpose / Function

The footwear sold by this store was incredibly expensive, costing as much at ten times the going rate elsewhere in the city. But the footwear in general was always guaranteed to be of good craftsmanship and they charged half the going rate for repairing their products. And many of their boots, which were quite fashionable, could be purchased with a lifelong guarantee of free replacements for any reason, save loss due to theft.   Men's shoes, slippers, and boots for both sexes were custom made to fit their customers' feet, though one could purchase any of their off-the-shelf sizes, which were much cheaper at only twice the average cost for footwear.
Shop, Cobbler
Parent Location


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