North Ward Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

North Ward

The North Ward was the northeastern sector of Waterdeep. It was famous for being the quietest ward of the city, consisting mostly of residential areas.


The North Ward was inhabited primarily by upper-middle class Waterdhavians, successful merchants, lesser noble families of the city, and civic workers. Typical residents of the North Ward were wealthy enough to afford a few servants, who usually came to work for the day and returned to their homes elsewhere in the city at night.   Activity on the streets peaked soon after sunrise and at the end of the day, when day servants arrived by drays to their places of work, while residents left home to work in other wards. This period of high-intensity traffic lasted for about one hour, after which the ward fell back into quiescence.   When engaging in parades or competitions, the North Ward adopted the colors green and orange. Its mascot was a white dove, that was typically depicted mid-flight. The ward was famous for its numerous birds that flew in large flocks at dawn and dusk, and it was also common for North Ward buildings to have dovecotes on their roofs.


The North Ward was officially included as one of the official wards of Waterdeep in the Year of the Crumbling Keep, 1276 DR, together with the Sea Ward.   In 1368 DR, the noble Cassalanter family loaned two ten-million golden lions with a huge interest rate. The first loan was to Widow Silvermane who ran a lottery in the North Ward, and the second one went to the Field of Triumph Race Track in the Sea Ward. The astronomical loans were caused by goddess' Tymoras luck going out of control all over the Realms. Every single gambler picked the winning number and winning horses, costing Widow Silvermane and the Field of Triumph disastrous losses.

Points of interest

Shops & Businesses


  • The Gentle Mermaid
  • Tymora's Fancy

Inns & Taverns

  • A Maiden's Tears
  • The Misty Beard
  • The Galloping Minotaur
  • The Grinning Lion
  • Twilight Hunters



The architectural style of the North Ward was dominated by rowhouses, which filled the gaps between the villas of lesser noble houses. The ward also counted with a variety of taverns and shops.


The North Ward was delimited by the walls of the City of the Dead to the southeast and the Trollwall to the east and north. Its southern border was at Andamaar's Street and Trader's Way up to Shield Street, which marked the western border until Vondil Street. North of that, the western border was defined by the High Road the rest of the way to the Trollwall.

Geographical Features

The most prominent feature of the North Ward was the Cliffwatch, a section of the Waterdeep plateau that was so steep and high that it provided a natural defense, so the area was marked by an interruption of the Trollwall between the Endcliff Tower and the Watchway Tower in the City of the Dead. A walkway traversed the entire Cliffwatch, along which some of the best inns and taverns of Waterdeep were located, taking advantage of the beautiful landscape to the east.
Founding Date
Location under


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