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Episode 7: Things Get Ruins

General Summary

27 Tarsakh, Year of Lightning Storms     Making their way into the older sewers near Extaminos Hill, the motley group ventures forth:   Iss'tamin Hss'toffess, Shay IngovayusSvent, Sellennis Dundragon , and their guide, Mirko Ristic. In addition, Svent has secured the services of three kobold excavationists from his tribe: Kruk, Jakzek, and Brian.   Following what Mirko assures them are complete and accurate directions, the group makes their first right and heads downstream in an older part of Hlondeth's sewers. After some distance, they enter a large, domed collection chamber where two sources meet and leave through a low-ceilinged third passage. The old bridge to cross the 20-foot channel is broken, and Svent scurries to the ceiling and secures a kobold pick axe for people to swing across.   Svent makes his way without incident, but as Jakzek attempts to cross, an alligator or crocodile of some sort leaps just high enough to snatch the little kobold and pull him down to the depths. Shay is able to bait it to the surface with his Dancing Lights, and Svent hits it with Eldritch Blast, before it disappears again.   After everyone else makes it to the other side, the group finds a fellow with a sword along the wall. He invites them to turn and go back, but when Iss'tamin makes a fuss of it, combat follows. Four men emerge from a secret door behind the group, and the two remaining kobolds are felled. Shay fireballs the opponents, with one fleeing back up the passage and the group eventually beating the other three.   The first man surrenders, and Iss'tamin questions him nearly to unconsciousness, not before he warns the yuan-ti that some day Hlondeth will be rid of snakes... With many of the group's abilities expended, Sellennis is told to carry the captive and the company returns to Iss'tamin's house where he is deposited. They agree to wait to hear from Iss'tamin.     28 Tarsakh   Svent reports the death of his tribesmen to Izik, who recommends he see Grazk. When he does, Grazk is tolerant enough and accepts payment on behalf of the tribe. He also informs Svent that someone in the Great Talons was, in fact trying to grab him, though his source doesn't know who. After some discussion, they conclude it like to be Zak-yek, the curious kobold Svent met during the Redbrand negotiations. Svent is advised to be careful, as this individual is from some far away land and serves some strange goddess.   Shay speaks with Castinus and reports Brother Anacian's childhood and noble lineage they previously learned from the local historian, which Castinus had no idea of.   Shay and Svent divide the proceeds of the night before after selling the loot at the market just before sunset.

Rewards Granted

474gp each from three dead NPCs
Healing potion from one of the NPCs
Faint Enchantment potion
Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach
Shay Ingovayus (Voidwalker)
Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
28 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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