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I'm not saying that we have to attack the group. I'm just saying that if we do attack, leaving half of them alive would be unprofessional.
— Nicodemus


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Nicodemus grew up as one of the countless urchins in Westgate, learning at a young age to watch his own back, steal his meals, and keep what he got. Eventually his quick hands and lack of compunction drew the attention of the local thieve's guild who taught him how to cut both purses and throats. In time, he set off on his own, looking for lucrative employment.


Physical Appearance

Nicodemus was a grim individual, with slightly tanned skin and short black hair. Owing to his elven heritage, his ears came to a fine point. He wore a padded gambeson and cloak in shades of black and green, suited for stealth.


Nicodemus' principle piece of equipment were a pair of short swords which looked to the eye to be made out of a translucent green glass. When they struck living flesh, they cut without leaving a mark, dealing all damage internally.


Nicodemus was suspicious and slow to trust, owing to his isolated upbringing. He did not particularly enjoy killing, but he considered himself a professional. Best to finish the job the first time, rather than leave an opponent alive to take revenge.

Goals & Motivations

Since Nulara's death, Nicodemus goals have narrowed to forgetting the pain of that death. He fills his days taking care of problems for Shade, but takes no joy in the task.


Nicodemus began his adventuring career as a member of the party that would become the Lords of Sharpstone Keep (See that page for details). As a result of his actions in Dessarin Valley on behalf of Duke Horrigan, he became a (somewhat unwilling) member of the aristocracy and a Lord of Sharpstone Keep on 5/16/1491.

Over the course of their adventures, the normally recalcitrant Nicodemus began to get closer to Nulara, a relationship that eventually blossomed into a romance. Nicodemus proposed marriage on 8/3/1491 and the pair were wed on 5/13/1492.

Following the defeat of the Cult of Elemental Evil the pair spent several years in peaceful, marital bliss. When the War of Secomber Succession began and the Lords of Sharpstone Keep were called by Duke Horrigan, Nulara went with her husband to war (See the war page for details).

On 8/5/1496, the Lords of Sharpstone Keep attacked a supply depot which was defended by the Free Company. Nulara was killed by the other adventurers, though the Free Company were ultimately defeated. Sanosha showed them mercy and spared their life. In gratitude, and as a gesture of goodwill, Sir Egbert the Brave provided the funds to raise Nulara from the dead. This was attempted on 8/10/1496, but Nulara's soul refused to return to life. She believed that death was natural, and reversing it would be wrong.

Nicodemus continued to serve his friends for the remainder of the war, but had lost his zest for life. He retreated into the bottle, which ironically his wife had given up prior to their marriage, in order to deaden the pain. To fill the time he executes whatever tasks given to him by Shade, with little regard to their morality or purpose. In his mind, none of it truly matters.



Husband (Vital)

Towards Nulara




Wife (Important)

Towards Nicodemus




True Neutral
195 lbs
1467 ( Westgate )

Other Information

Lord of Sharpstone Keep
Sharpstone Keep
Lords of Sharpstone Keep
Character Prototype
Alpha Strike Assassin


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