Furtwain Coinpinch

Furtwain grew up in Hillsfar, he was born right after the Law of Humanity was abolished the first time. Never did he see coming that Law to be engaged once more. Forced to leave Hillsfar the only place he had known, he was forced joined some endeavors in the past year or so to make a living. One of the latest ones has been to travel with caravans as hired muscle.   Panamon Creel is looking for Furtwain to collect 25gp that Furtwain shorted Panamon on the last job.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Furtwain grew up in the streets of Hillsfar, he learned at an early age that those who had, had it because they where willing to take it. Not big in violence however he always resorted to stealing and coming up with the jobs that payed high. His last job did not go as planned. A mistake on his part as he rushed the research, he was glad that someone else payed the price, even if that was he's only friend Panamon.   In the years since the Law of Humanity was re-enacted he has been looking for a way to do one last big score, but has found nothing but bad luck. The last one was 3 months ago, fearing retribution from the Thieves' Guild and Isthana Ro in particular, he fled to Elventree hoping to find something that would allow him to lay low for a while.

Personality Characteristics


Furtwain is looking for a score that allows him to retire. Perhaps open a store somewhere and live out the rest of his life. In order to acomlish this he is willing to burn any bridge, step on any toe. Not a trustworthy individual he goes through life trying to get rich.   To his frustration he is now a captive of the Drow. Thankfully he still has his life, so the hopes of making it big are still there.

Representation & Legacy

A bent silver coin attached to a chain, he never parts with.
shoulder length blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
135 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There's nothing worse than having a scratch you cannot itch.
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Theives' C'ant

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