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II.Vignette Pax

Meeting with Yaldronno

This conversation takes places just after II.1.2 The Thirteenth Table   "...So, Paladin, just what the fuck are you here for?"   Yaldronno's question hangs in the air among the wafts of smoke. The well-dressed firbolg continues to shuffling his deck in one hand, his newly lit cigar resting from the corner of his lip as he watches Pax intently. The creak of a crossbow being adjusted from a shadowy corner disrupts the silence for a moment as Yaldronno awaits the tiefling's response. Watching Yaldronno, it is clear this is a man who considers himself a broker of power. He does not trifle in the arcane nor the mysterious, but prefers the stratagem of business and secrets.   "I am here to help the people of Daggerford, the Sword Coast, and Faerun. I have reason to believe there is a vassel of a powerful necromancer operating in Daggerford. I need to find out who it is. You seem like the kind of man who knows most things there are to know. Information naturally comes with a price. I am prepared to pay it."   Pax catches a slight tightening of his face as Yaldronno listens, the forthright response surprising him.   “You hold quite admirable aspirations. I think, perhaps,we can come to an arrangement.”   Yaldronno spares a glance toward the elderly human who had been playing cards with you and remains where he sits, drinking and taking in the tension in the room, entertained. The old man clears his throat, mutters an excuse, and departs. The half-elven woman makes no similar movement, but simply watches on with almost disinterest.   “I find that I could use the service of a mercenary unit in the hills to the west. Ever since the hill giant’s dam flooded, the goblin and the rest of their ilk scattered from beneath their rule. They have been raiding and pillaging mining operations in which I have an interest. Perhaps if you were able to exterminate the threat and allow us to reopen the mines, I could shed some light on this “vassal” you’re seeking.”   Pax releases a short sigh. "Of course. I would like some kind of guarantee if there won't be any financial compensation. These things have a way of not being as straightforward as they appear."   Yaldronno cocks an eyebrow, his gaze hardening.   "I trust I don't need to remind you that you are a stranger. One who appeared in a private pocket dimension without an invitation. And that it is by my hand and my amusement that you are not already a pin cushion for crossbow bolts. Take that as your guarantee."   Yaldronno raises his hand, holds up his index finger and makes a circling motion. At once, this men in the shadows begin moving to clear the table and approach the portal in anticipation.   "Now, it is that time of night. You found your way in here, I trust you'll find your way back whenever you have news to share. If you have other questions, seek out the smith, Ironeater. Tell him you 'expect a rainy winter and a snowy spring.'"   As Yaldronno stands, Pax realizes the firbolg is at least a foot and half taller than him. Yaldronno looks towards him and then the portal. Elivyre, the half-elf woman, also stands, now eyeing him curiously as well.   “Fair enough. Be seeing you.”


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