Malus Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Malus Barrison Del'Armgo

"Sure, we could spend the next year gallivanting across the Sword Coast finding the four missing gems. But what if instead we allow these... devoted followers to inspire other, more competent individuals to do the work for us? If that dragonborn is anything like the rest of these fools, he'll dive headfirst into this madness. And when he comes for the final piece, we'll simply take the remaining components and return to the Supreme Throne, victorious. Now, we're gonna need an assassin."


Family Ties

A member of the Barrison Del'Armgo house in Menzoberranzan.

Religious Views

Following his departure from Menzoberranzan, Malus fully devoted himself to the teachings and treachery of Cyric. As a proxy for the god of lies he makes frequent use of the given extended capabilities in the ways of subterfuge and deception. While still choosing the form of a drow, Malus constantly changes his form when outside of the Mother's Nest and never uses the same identity twice unless a familiar connection can allow him to further his plans of betrayal.

Social Aptitude

When in character as a devout follower of Ragnalla, Malus appears as a humble leader who cares deeply for his flock of Warlocks and wishes to see their dream of communing with their patron come to fruition. He speaks confidently, but without ego or selfish intent. Outside of this role, Malus is aggrandizing and boisterous. He enjoys vivacious living and makes no secret of it with his often charismatic and egocentric mannerisms. These attributes often take different forms in different disguises or personas, but each of them flow from the same core characteristics.

Wealth & Financial state

Malus maintains a sizable private fortune that allows him to fund the necessary expenses of his scheme and still live a luxurious life beyond the walls of the Mother's Nest. While in his role, he feigns reverence, humility, and devotion instead of the haughty revelry he exudes in the rest of his life.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
The Mother's Nest
Short, silvery white hair
Tall, towering over many of his followers
Lean, muscular, fit
Aligned Organization
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