The Feathered Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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The Feathered

A now defunct cult of warlocks seeking to complete The Crown for their own purpose. The remaining members have folded into The Watcher, a following of Vorothruun rebuilding in Durindale.   Their involvement in seeking the Crown is detailed in the Seeker of the Skies campaign.


A small, but devoted following, the Feathered only have one structural location which they call the "Mother's Nest," believing it to be the last place on the Material Plane that Ragnalla influenced when she set the world into motion. At this temple, a single leader acts as the Nestkeeper, with individual groups of followers being led by Wingbearers. While the typical members of the Feathered wear entirely black cloaks, the wingbearers don cloaks of black feathers with grey trim to display their superiority and rank. The Nestkeeper wears a robe of dark feathers, but typically does not wear a cloak at all.  
  • Nestkeeper
  • Wingbearers
  • Brother or Sister of the Nest

Public Agenda

While they are not a readily known or recognizable faction, the agenda as set by the Nestkeeper amongst members is to prepare the world for such a time as the return of Ragnalla in all her resplendent horror. Recently a few of their members began to consider if they could commune with Ragnalla to determine her will for her disciples before she returns. This prompting led to the research and rediscovery of The Crown. Thus began their quest to reunite the five devotions of Ragnalla to complete the Crown, allowing the Nestkeeper to speak with their god for direction.


Their most valuable possession is their namesake, the first devotion, The Feather and the Crown to which the gem and the other devotions of Ragnalla belong.

"All For the Nest Mother"

Appear in:
Religious, Cult
Notable Members


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