Merchant's Guild Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Merchant's Guild

"But of course. You're absolutely right. You and the rest of your union work long and difficult hours, and without you, the city simply wouldn't function. We certainly understand the need for quality tools to be provided in exchange for your indebtable service. A reasonable request by all accounts. But in this bargain, you've forgotten one crucial detail we should address for the good of everyone here. Just a small note as we wrap up these negotiations.   We own those mines, you fucking fool. And by extension, we own you. Say you shut down the mines. You don't think we'll have the sewer rats taking up those axes your complaining about so much within the hour? Would you rather switch places? By all means, if the mines are too much for you, you can swim in a city's shit for ten hours a day for a third of what you make now. Be our guest. Otherwise, I suggest you consider our counteroffer and get the fuck out of this office. Good day, Mirik." - Throden of Clan Reshindrath, Owner of Stonestrike Mines and chairman of the Merchant's Guild   By all accounts the top of the socioeconomic ranks with exception of the political and religious leaders of the city. Much of the wealth of the merchants and mine owners comes from the nuanced navigation, both above and below the law, of the strict import and export restrictions surrounding the city's trade policy. Many merchants spend months traveling in disguise, curating and nurturing trade relations in Sundabar and Silverymoon and as far as Luskan or Neverwinter. When in town, they continue building up their personal property and parading their wealth with art installations and other displays of opulence.   When not quelling the tensions of the classes below them, the merchants work as a united front to garner the attention and favor of those in political positions who may be open to mutually beneficial arrangements and opportunities.
Guild, Merchant


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