Avraathe Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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"For more than a thousand years, Avraathe has flourished in the Moon Pass of the Nether Mountains. From its tumultuous beginnings of constant skirmishes to the rapid expansion of mine operations and a bustling economy, Avraathe's history is brimming with intriguing figures of legend, epic stories of war, and miraculous visions of prophecy. Avraathe, through its many iterations thus far as an ever-evolving theocratic society amidst war and peace alike, has always remained grounded in its one shared central value: the justice and mercy of the Platinum Dragon." | Avraathe's Origins by Nindis of Clan Teilzo


Following the clan wars that led to the founding of Avraathe, the population remains almost exclusively human and Dragonborn. Over the years the human's culture has started slowly eroding at aspects of the Dragonborn way of life in small ways as relates to family life, structure, and religious practices. In addition, there are a few pockets of dwarven communities from the mountains amongst their ranks after patiently earning their trust.   Most dwarves, relatively few though they are, exist in the lower and middle class, making a decent craftsmen or miner's living, but essentially never experiencing the lavish luxury the upper echelon of the Avraathe elite. The one exception to this of course being Orin Underfury who inherited a claim to one of the premiere platinum mines and thus is one of the wealthiest lay individuals of Avraathe.   There are also half-orcs who have engrained themselves in the lowest class of society. The most capable and lucky of the half-orcs work alongside the rest of society in the mines. The rest of the small population serve in sewer and aqueduct maintenance and are coloquially and degradingly referred to as "sewer rats and aqueducks."   Demographic Percentage Breakdown
  • 50% Dragonborn
  • 35% Human
  • 10% Dwarf
  • 4% Half-Orc
  • 1% Other
  • Of the Dragonborn majority, there are four typical subraces present within the city. While each works together and shares the common values of the city, each subrace holds a slightly different perspective on clan and community interactions.  
  • Blue Dragonborn tend to be the most clan-minded, rooting themselves in the history of Avraathe which has served them this far.
  • White Dragonborn tend to be the most family-minded, mainly concerning themselves with the wellbeing of their immediate family and direct lineage.
  • Red Dragonborn tend to be the most individually-minded, believing personal strength benefits the entire clan.
  • Bronze Dragonborn tend to be the most subrace-minded, banding together as a small minority which disregards their differences in lineage.
  • -


    The Church of Xymor functions as the main governing faction through the three facets of its power. The city is a complete theocracy, though it is one of questionable morality as of late. Justice is the ruling notion, though it is a slowly eroded and convoluted sense of justice that preserves the status quo for those in power.   With the military strength of the Platinum Order as well as the social pressure to appear holy as effective deterrents there is little petty crime and no criminal underworld to speak of throughout its history. The Temple Keepers also frequently preach a message of "prosperity through piety", through which the Temple Keeper's assure the lay people that their wealth and power is due to their faith and just lifestyle and that those lacking their welath likely lack their discipline as well. These beliefs further mitigates crime for it is said to only further prevent one from rising in the ranks.  

    Temple Keepers

    "We are the humble servants of this majestic temple. We serve at the holy feet of Bahamut and lift our community in prayer and preaching to feel the gentle breeze of his wings sending winds of mercy to grace our lungs."
  • Keeper Porath
  • Temple Keepers themselves are a relatively small and devout body of clerics, clergy, and monks who seek internal and social justice in all things. The Temple Keeper's Council also serve a role in legislation, passing down holy decrees provided from their prayers and petitions to Bahamut. The Temple Keepers also aid in performing and preparations for the annual Rite of Rebirth.  

    The Platinum Scales

    "Justice is the scale that weighs each of our hearts and coin purses alike. We serve for the betterment of Avraathe and the glory of Bahamut." - Judge Suldrembrod, reciting the opening declaration during a civil dispute court session.   Platinum Scales serve as the measure and judges of the implementation of the holy decrees based down by the Keeper's Council. They also manage the finances and fulfill other municipal duties.  

    Talons of Justice

    "When justice requires a swift blade, we strike."
  • A proclamation plastered around Avraathe during a season of open recruitment
  • Talons of Justice are the martial extension of the church of Xymor, charged with keeping the peace and executing the justice of Bahamut when necessary. The elite paladins among the Talons are known as the Platinum Order and are the paragon of discipline and steadfastness.


    Massive, looming walls surround much of the city with Platinum Order soliders patrolling in groups of three around the clock.   While the rolling hills beneath the city itself provide a tactical view of the rest of the valley, there are a number of watch towers beyond the walls with the sole purpose of observing the mountain passes for intruders or other threats, such as the Ripped Gut and Thousand Fist orc tribes located in Baraskur and Thousand Maws, respectively. Members of the Talons of Justice spend rotating tendays serving in these watch towers in troops of twenty.   It has been several years since the last orcish incursion, but recent reports from beyond the mountain pass suggest increased foot traffic to the west.

    Industry & Trade


    Given the proximity and success of the numerous mines beyond the city walls, Avraathe maintains nearly a dozen blacksmiths who produce everything from kettles to kite shields and a myriad of fine weaponry, armor, chains, and tools. While their work is reknowned beyond the city walls of Avraathe, the isolationist nature of the city-state keeps the export of these goods low to maintain their value and the scarcity of platinum Avraathian creations consistent.  


    With the discovery of gemstone veins within the Nether Mountains, there has been a recent surge in jewelry production and the craft of small and precious accessories and interior decor items. Whereas such decadence was previously reserved as a sign of reverence and honor within the Temple of Bahamut, the availability of the gems has seeped into the aristocracy and become a measure of civil wealth and blessing by Bahamut.  


    As the wealthy look for additional areas in which to outrank one another, patronage of the arts has become the most recent trend in Avraathe. New installments of statues in city squares, murals or chiseled columns on buildings, or even artwork to be displayed in one's courtyard or home has recently exploded in popularity and frequency. As one walks through the city bazaar, the consistent clicking of chisel against marble in each intersection can be heard echoing through the stone archways of the market.  


    Merchants who manage the flow of above goods and others make a great deal of profit given their ability to manage the import and export of goods within the specific and often harsh law of the Temple, though there is certainly greased palms and overlooked ledgers at the top of the social pyramid.  


    Outside the scope of most of this working class are the sorcerers who study at the Augurium and often use their divination and other magical abilities to enhance the efforts of the rest of the economy but remain separate from any one aspect of it. These students are often provided for by scholarship and provisions through the school itself, which is in turn sponsored by the church in return for their scrying and perhaps less honorable services, depending on who catches your ear.  


    Beyond these three aspects of the economy, a number of smaller industries thrive in Avraathe. Farmers and shepards beyond the walls make enough to provide for their families. Masons who maintain and construct new facilities often make enough to spend evenings at the local taverns amongst the blossoming brewery scene. Miners too frequent the more affordable places of respite. Below these laborers are the lowest rungs of the working class who maintain the sewers and aqueducts for just enough to rub two coppers together and afford one meal a day.


    Thanks to the readily available stonework and expert masons and civil engineers, Avraathe benefits from a well-designed and maintained sewer system as well as aqueducts that help disperse fresh water from the rivers in the mountains into basins throughout the wealthier portions of the city.   The elite members of society also maintain gardens and courtyards despite the often frigid conditions of Avraathe. It is said to be a sign of Bahamut's mercy and blessing to be able to keep flowers blooming and vines growing despite the uncooperative weather. It is rumored magic users from the Augurium are often hired to help embellish said presentations.   Avraathe also features well maintained roads within the city walls and extensive railways running deep into the most established mines with rails also extending to the refineries.

    Guilds and Factions

    In addition to the facets of the Church of Xymor, there are a handful of major factions within the city of Avraathe, divided first by their function and second by socioeconomic standing.  

    The Augurium

    On the southern edge of the city, the original barracks outgrown by the Talons of Justice serves as the castle and keep known as Augurium, an academy and research facility of divination and other facets of sorcery.  

    The Merchant's Guild

    By all accounts, the Merchant's Guild represents the top of the socioeconomic ranks with exception of the political and religious leaders of the city. Much of the wealth of the merchants and mine owners comes from the nuanced navigation, both above and below the law, of the strict import and export restrictions surrounding the city's trade policy.    

    The Craftsmen Collective

    The conduits for much of the city's wealth, the Craftsmen Collective exists to organize and benefit the dozens of Avraathians who take the raw materials brought in from the mines and hills and transform these components into the masterworks and treasures of Avraathe's reputation the merchants then buy and sell and profit off of in the process.    

    The Miner's Union

    On the lowest rung of society save for the sewer rats and aqueducks, the Miner's Union during the era of expansion when multiple mines came into operation and bolstered the workforce sizably. Relations between the miners and the merchants are frequently quite tense, threatening to boil over into class war with brief seasons of cooling off and contentment between the near constant renegotiations.


    Originally built exclusively with the strong and otherwise unremarkable grey stone commonly found in the Nether Mountains, the architecture of Avraathe shows the evolution of the city-state as a whole over time.   The center of the city and it's original surrounding districts all feature structures that were designed with a focus on functionality over form. As the city spreads from the epicenter, this notion shifted over time. Homes became more opulent, used as measure of success and thus of blessing as well. Many buildings began incorporating marble into their structure, adding additional columns and adding flourishes and increasingly intricate designs to the support and style of the buildings.   Before long, the central city buildings, which then became in the most demand because they were closest to the temple, were renovated and updated to compete with and eventually surpass the outer ring districts. The columns were chiseled to create depictions of Bahamut spiraling towards the top. Buildings were draped in rich vibrant tapestries, honoring important dates and depicting retellings of the Last Battle of Moon Pass. Additional windows were added, the most wealthy of citizens opting for stained glass refracting light in the form of clan crests and mantras. Before long, the entire city seemed covered in scaffolding as the elite members of society started an arm's race of who could present the best accommodations and lifestyle.   These sort of opulent designs and ornate additions were mirrored by the Church of Xymor as well. Where once stood a simple chapel, simply setting aside space to honor the Platinum Dragon overtime evolved into what is now known as the Temple of Bahamut. While still using the simple grey stone foundation, much of the temple's exterior has built up and redesigned with additional carvings, statues, monoliths, as well as platinum plating so that it shines like a beacon in even the dim moonlight.   Within, the temple uses the now more readily available precious gems to adorn everything from ceremonial chalices to the robes and amulets worn by the Temple Keepers. Amidst all of the ornaments, the most notable aspect remains the domed ceiling painted as with platinum lacework as thin as spiderwebs meant to represent the scales of the Platinum dragon and in the middle of the dome, an eye-shaped window to represent Bahamut's watchful gaze longing to witness justice and mercy walking hand-in-hand.


    In the northeastern reach of the Sword Coast, Avraathe sits amongst hills of the Moon Pass of the Nether Mountain range between Stone Stand and Arn Forest, nearly two tenday east of Silverymoon.   There's a small trail that cuts through the hills north of the Nether Mountain range, "denoted as treacherous and full of danger" by cartographers and adventurers alike.

    Natural Resources

    "The world knows not the depths of our resources. Yes, the platinum mines set us apart from the other city-states of the Sword Coast, both in quality and quantity, but our surveyors have found other untapped resources as well. Further north into the mountains they report veins of gold, silver, copper as well as sapphire and diamond. We as an essential cog in this blessed city will continue to expand our operations into the next year in both the excavation of platinum as well as these recent discoveries. Praise be the Platinum Dragon."  
  • Trizzak of Clan Mezkac, owner and operator of the Cliffkeep Mines during his annual presentation to the Platinum Scales.
  •   Beyond the mines, the hills surrounding Avraathe in the Moon Pass provide ample and fertile grounds for tending to sheep, goats, cows, and chickens. Where the land is level enough in stretches allows for growing grains and starches like corn and potatoes.

    • 329

      The Great Migration
      Population Migration / Travel

      "As the great desert spread, our crops failed and our people starved. Forced to leave our home, we journeyed westward through the dangerous valleys of the Nether Mountains before arriving in the Moonpass region. We were not the only displaced people hoping to call it home." | Clan Speaker Vionik of Clan Zirthund

    • 330


      The Moon Pass Skirmishes
      Military action

      "For years The First Clans and the human tribes who had also settled in the valley would ambush camps and try to rout the other in an effort to once and for all lay claim to the land. Every few months a major encounter would break out, but for the most part they were small skirmishes and scattered assaults. And when we weren't fighting each other, we were facing other monsters like orcs, hobgoblins, and kobold. Those years took nearly as many as the desertification and migration put together." | Avraathe's Origins by Nindis of Clan Teilzo

    • 337

      Last Battle of Moon Pass
      Military action

      "In the poetic and lingering moonlight of the valley, the clans converged for one final foray. It was during this clash that the sky erupted into radiant light and our futures forever intertwined." | Avraathe's Origins by Nindis of Clan Teilzo

      Nether Mountains
      More reading
    • 365

      Boulderdown Mines Opened
      Construction beginning/end

      "Today is a momentous day for Avraathe! In following the prophecy and wisdom given to us by the Platinum Dragon, we have discovered the resources necessary to transform our small community into a thriving metropolis centered around his justice and mercy. May these mines always remind us of his guidance and pave the way towards a brighter tomorrow!" | Udria of Clan Phunuth

    • 367

      Talons of Justice Formed

      "We will serve and protect Avraathe, her ideals, her interests and most of all her citizens. We will execute the justice of the Platinum Dragon with impunity, but offer his mercy just as readily. We are the Talons of Justice and we shall keep our blades sharp in all seasons." | Supreme Commander Ornithax of Clan Thaldrash, Founder of the Talons of Justice

      More reading
      Talons of Justice
    • 437

      Temple of Bahamut Constructed
      Construction beginning/end

      "In the merciful light of Bahamut's favor upon us, we open the doors to this humble temple. This cathedral shall be dedicated to focussing our thoughts and prayers on the radiance of the Platinum Dragon's justice. The doors to this sacred place will always be open to any who seek the God of Dragon's wisdom." | Councilor Biniru of Clan Menonsae, High Priest of the Temple of Bahamut

      More reading
      Temple of Bahamut
    • 453

      Stonestrike Mines Opened
      Construction beginning/end

      "How blessed by the Platinum Dragon we are for this rapid expansion of our all-important mines! May we never lose focus of the benefactor of our success. All hail the Justicemaker!" | Irath of Clan Reshindrath

    • 510

      Flintstrength Mines Opened
      Construction beginning/end

      "In only half a century, our blossoming city has already necessitated the further expansion of these mines. The Grenak clan is humbled and honored to oblige. We are proud to announce with the opening of Flintstrength Mines, we'll be added over 500 new jobs to our workforce. And of course, all glory goes to Bahamut who continues to sustain Avraathe and show his favor for us." | Otrith of Clan Grenak

    • 521

      Cliffkeep Mines Open
      Construction beginning/end

      "The Mezkac clan is proud to announce a new venture to tap into the recently discovered veins of platinum and other precious metals in the eastern hills. Using new technology and innovative techniques, we will be able to expedite the tunneling and transporting processes, meaning better wages and better working conditions! Who wouldn't want to come work the mines in the newest, safest, and most employee-focussed mines in Avraathe?" | Hezro of Clan Mezkac

    • 574

      Alliance with Silverymoon Formed
      Diplomatic action

      "Today we enter into a new era of collaboration and unity with our fellow members of the Silver March region. As Silverymoon continues to expand its trade operations and focus on education, we stand ready to serve as partners and allies in these efforts." | Councilor Rethdra of Clan Dradke, High Priest of the Temple of Bahamut

    • 627

      Augurium Founded

      "As Avraathe continues to grow, so too has the portion of our population with access to special gifts and talents for inately access the Weave. We are a small, but dedicated team which seeks to serve these individuals in training and preparation so they may use their gifts to the benefit of our community and the will of the Platinum Dragon." | Arzruk of Clan Draskroran, Founding Headmaster of the Augurium

      More reading
    • 658

      Talons Barracks Constructed
      Construction beginning/end

      "Finally, the bravest and noblest of Avraathians have a place to call their own. This barracks will serve as training grounds and a place of focus and preparation for those who are called to serve the higher purpose of protecting our home and our beliefs." | General Godfry "The Sentinel" Dewhunter, of the Talons of Justice

      Talon's Barracks
      More reading
      Talons of Justice
    • 659

      Augurium Expands as Full-Fledged Academy
      Construction beginning/end

      "With great pride we announce the Augurium, which has served in training the sorcerers of Avraathe for already three decades, will be moving our operations into the facilities previously used as barracks by the Talons of Justice. This new space will allow our expansion into teaching not only students of innate magical ability, but providing the necessary foundational education for all Avraathian children." | Arzruk of Clan Draskroran, Headmaster of the Augurium

      More reading
    • 773

      Goldglow Mines Open
      Construction beginning/end

      "With the recent excavation of new veins of gold, the Khelmo clan is proud to announce our new mine operations will focus solely on the extraction of this most exciting discovery, providing the city with even more invaluable exports and opportunities for growth and expansion." | Lenhra of Clan Khelmo

    • 882

      Alliance with Sundabar Formed
      Diplomatic action

      "With the continued growth of the above-ground community of human clans partnering with the subterranean dwarves of Sundabar, Avraathe will be partnering with these aligned parties for the benefit of the entire region. We look forward to a long-lasting and mutually prosperous alliance. May Bahamut's favor look down upon this momentous occasion. | Councilor Jacominus Landgrave, High Priest of the Temple of Bahamut

    • 1104

      Defense of Citadel Felbarr
      Military action

      "We answered Silverymoon's call to defend their outpost of the abandoned Citadel Felbarr to the north, but were ultimately unsuccessful. By the time we arrived the stronghold was already being sieged. To try and break the siege from the outside would have proved too costly to our limited forces. Following the initial skirmish which did not result in our favor, we ordered a hasty retreat. I believe our diplomats are already meeting with ambassadors from Silverymoon to discuss the necessity of our decision." | Ulkos of Clan Thenolgruh, General of the Platinum Order

    • 1150

      Year of the Scourge
      Plague / Epidemic

      "Across the Sword Coast, a terrible plague swept through populations, decimating entire communities. Despite the Platinum Dragon's favor, Avraathe did not fair any better. This is the stark truth. Avraathe mourned those we lost, praying they find Bahamut's merciful justice in the life beyond, and rebuilt their lives and community as best they could. For the good of our city and the region as a whole." | Avraathe's Origins by Nindis of Clan Teilzo

    • 1235

      War of the Black Horde
      Military action

      "Though we fight outnumbered, our lines will hold fast. Standing alongside the Spellguard of Silverymoon and ranks of Sundabar, our enemies will know nothing but blood and ruin 'fore the day is done. Remember the Justicemaker and let his swift retribution endure your backs to the task before you. Carve through your enemies, for we are the Platinum Order and we shall not be broken." | Battalion Leader Parathorn "The Unbroken" of Clan Verthisathurgeish

      More reading
      Talons of Justice
    • 1245

      Loviatar's Influence Spreads

      "To the west, a monastery to this goddess of pain and suffering began settling and referring to their new home as the Lady's Hand. Several incidents of travelers going missing in the surrounding hills were reported, but no counter actions were ever taken as the new neighbors eventually began to keep to themselves through the subsequent years." | Avraathe's Origins by Nindis of Clan Teilzo

      Nether Mountains
      More reading
    • 1337

      Thousand Year's Feast
      Gathering / Conference

      "Today we gather in celebration of the first millenium of Avraathe's history. We reflect on the many blessings and mercies of the Platinum Dragon - the continued expansion of the mines, the guiding wisdom of prophecy, the security provided to us by the loyal Talons of Justice and the elite Platinum Order, and the invaluable tutelage of the faculty of the Augurium. and of course, that is to say nothing of the just and merciful leadership of our High Councilors, Justices of the Platinum Keep, and steady hand of the Lord Commander and Generals in times of need. It is in humility and honor we gather this eve for a feast worthy of a history of a thousand years and in anticipation of thousands more. To Avraathe and to the Platinum Dragon!" | Odelina Havengleam, Temple Keeper

    • 1367

      Reclamation of Citadel Felbarr
      Military action

      "The mission went without any major complications. The Tribe of Many Arrows, while formidable, were easily overwhelmed in the bottlenecks of the Citadel, which proved our tactics superior to theirs as our men were able to overwhelm them even in smaller numbers. Minimal casualties to report. Our allies are extremely grateful for our involvement and send their regards. My full report will be available on the morrow." | General Relhza of Clan Mordrend

      Nether Mountains
    • 1368

      War of the Wilds
      Military action

      "As prophesied, several incursions of giants and trolls assaulted traveling merchants and a few of the smaller outlying communities. The Talons of Justice have already mobilized and stand ready on the outskirts of the city to defend Avraathe's interests. I have taken the liberty of sending word to Silverymoon and Sundabar as well." | Supreme Commander Percival "The Firestarter" Bronzeroar

      Nether Mountains
    • 1368

      Assault on Hellgate Keep
      Military action

      "Had it not been for the prophetic warning, our men would have had no indication of the seriousness of the events which transpired. Thanks to our critical insight, the Platinum Order stood ready to aid the Blue Bear tribe and Harpers in their efforts against the fiends crawling up through the portal. We have confirmed the barbarians were successful in closing the gate and the Harpers make their preparations to permanently destroy it within the year, per our intel. We will keep a close eye on the region in the meantime." | Colonel Gorzoth "Demon Bane" of Clan Mezkac

      Nether Mountains
    • 1370

      Reject the Joining of Luruar
      Diplomatic action

      "While we will continue to honor our alliances with individuals members of this newly formed nation, Avraathe regretfully must decline the offer to become a part of said organization. We believe our interests, while often in alignment with that of the Silver Marsh region as a whole, must be kept free of overcommitment to outside forces who do not value the justice and mercy of Bahamut to the same degree as our leaders and citizens. Thank you for your inquiry, and do let us know if there is anything else we can offer you in the meantime." | Councilor Adri of Clan Othrumi, High Priest of the Temple of Bahamut

      Nether Mountains
    • 1385

      Protected from the Spellplague's Effects
      Disaster / Destruction

      "Thanks be to the mercy of Bahamut shining down upon us. Through the prophetic warning of the recent catastrophes, our diligent sorcerers and scholars were able to ensure the safety of Avraathe from the worst of the effects of the recent upheaval. Unfortunately, our allies were not as fortunate. Everywhere beyond our walls, the blue flames raged on and left chaos, confusion, and devastation in their wake. In light of the mercy we have received, we must remember to show the same mercy. We will be organizing teams to go into the nearby communities to survey the damage and aid where possible. Any of those who are willing to serve, please speak to your battalion leader and we will make preparations shortly." | Councilor Reldeis of Clan Othrumi, High Priest of the Temple of Bahamut

    • 1385


      The Spellplague

      Cyric murders Mystra and tears The Weave apart, descending the realm into chaos and ruin.

    • 1489

      Battle of Rauvincross
      Military action

      "As ordered, we followed the incursion back to the ruins they were camping in for the night. We left naught but ash and blood." | Parathrax of Clan Verthisathurgeish

      Nether Mountains
    • 1491

      Vorothruun's Execution
      Life, Supernatural

      "Vorothruun of Clan Verthisathurgeish, you are hereby sentenced to death for the despicable crime of heresy against the Church and Holy Order of the Platinum Dragon. You have been found guilty of seeking and communing with powers beyond the merciful justice of Avraathe and are considered a threat to the wellbeing of this community. May you find the merciful justice of Bahamut which you have disregarded in this material life in the one beyond. May the Platinum Dragon have mercy on your sou - what, what is happening?! Someone stop him!" | Captain Lautrec of Clan Dradke, of the Platinum Order

      Additional timelines
    • 1492



      War of the Silver Marches
      Military action

      "Though we have not received a prophetic warning, it would seem war is upon us. Once again orcs descend from the Spine of the North to assail the region. But this time they are joined - if not led by - drow who use a magical darkness to shroud the battles in lasting night. Worse yet, they are aligned with frost giants and rumored to even have two white dragons who lay waste to the dwarven armies by lines at a time. It may come such a time as Avraathe may have to move to action despite the Platinum Dragon not directly ordering such a response." | Councilor Rethdar of Clan Dradke, High Priest of the Temple of Bahamut

      Nether Mountains
      Additional timelines
    • 1493


      Platinum Scalers Founded
      Civil action

      "With the recent defeat of the Platinum Order and subsequent losses suffered by the Talons of Justice, our city lies unprotected and our streets unpoliced. By Bahamut's mercy no crisis has yet occurred, but how long can we assume this to be the case? I humbly propose, for the continued promotion of the Justicemaker's will, to implement a new police force which can be, for the time being, funded and operated by the Platinum Keep to ensure there is sufficient oversight and training for those who would assume this necessary and honored role." | Judge Veskis of Clan Suldrembrod, Overseer of Justice

      More reading
      Platinum Keep
    • 1493

      10 Flamerule

      Fall of Sundabar & Defeat of the Platinum Order
      Military action

      "Yes, Justice Suldrembrod, that's correct. When we found what was left of the Platinum Order, they were desperately huddled together like the civilians they tried to save. So many already dead, too many to bury honorably. Torn apart by dragon's claws, crushed by giants clubs, or otherwise destroyed by drow magic or orcish blade. Such is the fate of foolish heroics in the name of blind faith, if you ask me. The survivors owe their lives to the power of the Augurium." | Chauncer of Clan Teidrath, Headmaster of the Augurium

      More reading
      Platinum Order
      Additional timelines
    • 1493


      Augury Stolen
      Life, Crime

      "We have no new intel to report, Judge. At this time all we can confirm is the Augury is considered to be missing as of the evening prior. Interviews with all relevant parties are under way, but thus far have revealed no new leads. Members of the Augurium continue to work in the streets and mines to restore functionality to the most necessary operations the Augury provided. My apologies for the lack of concrete updates at this time." | Grellen of Clan Thaldrash, Headmaster's Aide of the Augurium

      More reading
      SS.2.3 A Father's Gift
      Additional timelines
    • 1494

      12 Alturiak

      Avraathe Restored
      Political event

      Additional timelines


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