Temple Ward Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Temple Ward

"Spare me the constant measuring and comparison of the merchants and makers of the city. I have the temple, I have the barracks, and I have the Patrol's End. All else is bickering and blind pride."
  Where the commanders and accessory staff of the Talons of Justice and the Temple Keepers reside. While still full of beautiful homes celebrating the blessing of Bahamut, these homes are of the original much more functional foundation, as opposed to the Garden Ward which was built with opulence in mind from the start.  

Locations in the Temple Ward



  Patrol's End: Opened by a retired general by the name of Vodketh of Clan Verthisathurgeish, the bar serves as the perfect resting place for soldiers who have finished their walk of the city wall, jail, or twenty day stint in the watchtowers, but require a break before returning home. The favorite place to gather outside of the barracks, the bar does quite well for itself and pours most of the funds back into providing resources for the Talons of Justice as needed.  


  Parathraaj's Home: An unassuming stone home with simple religious decor befitting of a leading Platinum Order officer, Parathraaj often uses his home as a meeting place and has a whole wing of the structure as a secondary war room so he can plan and plot while away from the barracks.


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