Temple Keepers Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Temple Keepers

"We are the humble servants of this majestic temple. We serve at the holy feet of Bahamut and lift our community in prayer and preaching to feel the gentle breeze of his wings sending winds of mercy to grace our lungs."  | Keeper Porath of Clan Mordrend   The Temple Keepers themselves are a relatively small and devout body of clerics, clergy, and monks who seek internal and social justice in all things. These individuals who see one another as a communal family within their greater clans maintain the temple and oversee the ceremonies and services. The Temple Keepers live beneath the temple itself in simple but accommodating rooms befitting a life of devotion.   The Temple Keeper's Council serve as the head of the clergy and clerics. These high priests also serve a role in legislation, passing down holy decrees provided from their prayers and petitions to Bahamut. Once a season, the Temple Keeper's Council gathers for a week of fasting and devoted prayer and seeks the direction of Bahamut as to what laws should be added or otherwise changed for his people so that justice and mercy may continue to flourish within Avraathe. No outsider has ever been a part of these ceremonies and no one is allowed into the upper rooms of the temple in which they take place.   The Temple Keepers also aid in performing and preparations for the annual Rite of Rebirth.
Religious, Temple
Controlled Territories


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