Trades Ward Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Trades Ward

Notable Locations

  The Plinth Previously the tower of a wizard and center of worship for the goddess Selune, the Plinth now serves as an allfaith temple. The facility is employed by congregations of followers and disciples of gods without prominent enough presence to require their own temple. A thin, needlelike tower like a pyramid with the top cut off features small balconies spiraling around the tower in a gradual descent. While the sacrifice of any sentient creature is illegal within the city walls, it is not uncommon for individuals to leap from the balconies as an offering to their god at least once each year. The flat roof is often used by the city's powerful and wealthy as a landing for aerials steeds.   Court of the White Bull A dirt-floored plaza named after the birth of an albino calf on the premise. Eventually the White Bull tavern was constructed by the owner, which thrived until destroyed in a great spell battle. So great was the magic during this struggle a planar rift opened to the Astral Plane. Azuth repaired the breach, but the area has been infiltrated with wild magic since. No one has dared rebuild on the site, so it has become a natural meeting space and market of caravan and wagons peddling various wares.   Virgin's Square: According to legend, this market served as the location of viriginal sacrifices to dragons long before the founding of Waterdeep proper. Now it serves as a market and location for hiring adventurers and other services.  
  • Monastery of the Sun
  • River Gate


The Golden Harp   The Sumptuous Mask: A multi-floor nightclub in the Trade's Ward featuring a garden roof and multiple VIP sections tapered off by thick curtains and security. Run by the quick-witted and always fashionable Meris Quill. Bartender is an easy-going halfling who does his best to keep guests happy and things under control.  
  • The Underdark
  • Golden Horn Gambling House
  • The Bowels of the Earth
  • Felzoun's Folly
  • The Singed Bolt


  Inn of the Dripping Dagger: Run by the Lohthuntle family. Preferred stay for adventurers and heroes. "The inn was best known for its seemingly haunted front door which would utter cryptic and seemingly menacing phrases such as 'His head will be found in a basket on Ship Street.'"   Maelstrom's Notch: Inn. A small inn known for its costly but topnotch seafood from all parts along the Sword Coast. Rooms cost 5 silver per nights.  
  • Gondalim's
  • Maelstrom's Notch
  • The Unicorn's Horn
  • The Gentle Rest & Stables
  • The Gray Serpent


  The Riven Shield Shop: Owned and operated by Riven. Currently selling predominantly decorative shields due to the magical restrictions within Waterdeep.   The Prestiege:
In comparison to many of the gaudy presentations of the Trade Ward and magnificent stone guildhalls and multi-story inns and taverns, upon arriving before The Prestige, it seems quite unassuming from the outside. Two City Watch members stand on duty near the entrance in their green and gold uniforms. Through the windows you see shelves of scroll tubes, a row of what seems like potions and other chemical components, and above hanging out the walls a number of weapons and other presumably enchanted items. Inside, the store is warm and welcoming. Candles burn in sconces around the room, each flame a different chromatic shade. The flicker of these candles dance despite the still air in the room. The shadows cast a multitude of colors against the rows of glass containers and display cases, creating an almost ethereal glow to the room.   The proprietor of the shop is the aging half-elf Kelnelis. He is often helped by the young girl Elya, who loves to show off her magic tricks and learn about other magicians in the process.  
  • Khammeral's Coins
  • Saern's Fine Swords
  • Dunblast Roofing Company
  • Thentavva's Boots
  • Aurora's Realms Shop, Street of Tusks Catalogue Counter
  • Orsabbas's Fine Imports
  • Riautar's Weaponry
  • Patient Fingers Fine work
  • Belmonder's Meats
  • Thond Glass and Glazing Shop
  • Meiroth's Fine Silks
  • Surtlan's Metalwares
  • Rejviik's Mortuary
  • Huulfor Manor
  • Henndever's Coffins and Coffers


The House of Song: Guildhall of the Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, & Choristers. Large, two story ornate building of smooth stone and marble stairs. Inside, the arched ceiling is supported by a series of light blue, slender stone columns. Ancient elven lyrics are carved into the walls. In addition to hosting guild activity, the guildhall provides rooms and beds for members as well as traveling bards in good standing. Built on the prior School of Olamn.  
  • Citadel of the Arrow
  • Costumers' Hall
  • The League Office
  • The House of Cleanliness
  • The Zoarstar (Temple)
  • The Old Guildhall
  • The House of Textiles
  • The House of Light
  • Stationers'Hall
  • The Guild Paddock
  • Cobblers' and Corvisers' House
  • Wheel Hall


  • Myrmith Splendors' residence
  • Mhair's Tower
  • Scirkhel Wands' residence
  • Blackstone House
  • Zeltabbar Iliphar's residence


  • League of Basketmakers & Wickerworkers Storage
  • House of Light Storage


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