Forgotten realms Thousand Year's Feast
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Thousand Year's Feast

Gathering / Conference


"Today we gather in celebration of the first millenium of Avraathe's history. We reflect on the many blessings and mercies of the Platinum Dragon - the continued expansion of the mines, the guiding wisdom of prophecy, the security provided to us by the loyal Talons of Justice and the elite Platinum Order, and the invaluable tutelage of the faculty of the Augurium. and of course, that is to say nothing of the just and merciful leadership of our High Councilors, Justices of the Platinum Keep, and steady hand of the Lord Commander and Generals in times of need. It is in humility and honor we gather this eve for a feast worthy of a history of a thousand years and in anticipation of thousands more. To Avraathe and to the Platinum Dragon!" | Odelina Havengleam, Temple Keeper

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