Session 10 Report: A Cold-Hearted Killer Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session 10 Report: A Cold-Hearted Killer

General Summary

The party awakens early the next morning with a long day's journey ahead of them. The finish up their preparations and set out for Caer-Dineval. They meet very few travellers on the road and with a sense of urgency they make excellent time to Caer-Dineval.  
They decide to stop for a lunch and push on to Caer-Konig. They stop into The Uphill Climb for a hearty lunch of all you can eat fish chowder. After lunch the more restless members head down to the lake to stretch and digest while the others remain in the tavern and make plans.   Michael Snowfield overhears some gossip and inquires of the fisherman about their story. He learns of a rumor that Nabira Moarskull, an Easthaven fisher, owned an enchanted fishhook that could catch magical fish. While she and her friends were out on the ice one day, a pair of filthy gnolls attacked them. They killed Nabira and stole her fishing pole and hook. Hunters from Easthaven tracked the gnolls to an icy rift in the ground but were too scared to go farther. The locals know the area as the Cackling Chasm.   After the party gathered they continued north towards Caer-Konig. The long day of travel drained on them, and a few members started to suffer from exhaustion. With the ruined Caer in sight they spotted a lone traveler ahead of them. This traveler, sensing the approach of a large party with a menagerie in tow, waited for them to approach before conversing.   At first there was some friction between the traveler, Martok, and the ever-forward Veld. Not sensing any great evil coming from either side they all decided to travel together the last mile.   Arriving in the small town all the adventurers found themselves at The Northern Light, an inn known for its magical lantern hanging over the door. The party noticed the absence of the light as they entered, and some among them noticed Torg's caravan set up not too far away in the market.   The group decided to pass by on their way through town to check out the caravan and confirm the presence of their quarry, Sephek Kaltro. All the members of the caravan seemed to notice them and acknowledge their attention. Apparently asking of every random passerby and tavern keep if they knew of the location or schedule for Torg's seemed to have put them on the radar of the caravan in question.   The group stopped by Frozenfar Expeditions to inquire about the missing guide they were looking to rescue. The owner, Atenas Swift, recalled the expedition clearly. He remembered Garret accompanied by three well-armed companions, a male goliath, a female lightfoot halfling, and a female tiefling. They bought climbing gear and supplies and shared their intentions on heading to the Hook, Line, and Sinker for drinks, with plans to get a good night's rest at The Northern Light.   A local mountain guide, Jarthra Farzassh, that works out of Frozenfar Expeditions and was in attendance as the party asked offered up her knowledge and skills as guide. She recommended to Garett a good location for base camp and would be able to lead the party there and up the mountain. They agreed to hire her services and meet up in the morning at 6 to head out.   Deciding to deal with Sephek before Torg's could once again uproot and elude them the party stopped by and questioned Torrga Icevein about their business dealings and side ventures. Veld made a thinly veiled effort to antagonize Sephek and Michael telepathically connected with him, hearing to his surprise a female voice in his head offering to meet up in the ruined Caer at midnight.   With two appointments on the horizon the party went to bed early. They awoke in the middle of the night to screams of pain and assassin as Veld awoke with a dagger of ice in his chest and Sephek standing over him. With his assassination thwarted by a mob of adventurers he attempted to make his escape, but was cut down before long. As he died a small cloud of icy vapor escaped from him and they all heard a female voice exclaiming, "Though you killed my sister and stopped me Queen Geluvicken's work continues and the Frostmaiden's fury shall not abate until all of Ten-Towns is buried under ice and snow!"   Examining the body they found it to have been dead for some time and the cause of death to be drowning.
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Michael Snowfield
Report Date
15 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location