Session 1: The party meets and the lake monster Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session 1: The party meets and the lake monster

General Summary

Bhur, Galanodel, Grimsby, Michael Snowfield, Natali, Serafin, and Veld found themselves drawn together for a simple day of fishing in Bremen. Grynsk Berylbore hired them to catch knucklehead trout for 5cp each. Tali arrived on the scene to warn the characters of the dangers lurking in the lake. They offered only gratitude in exchange for any notes the party could take on the lake monster.   The party split into two boats, the Burly Ram and the Pronged Goat, and set off on Maer Dualdon for a long day of fishing. Several times the knucklehead proved to be too much and many characters were hauled overboard. With teamwork and a bit of magic nobody suffered any lasting effects from the brief dips in the frigid waters. The Pronged Goat proved to be the luckier of the two boats as they both brought in the most fish and had the least "man overboard" incidents.   After a solid 12 hours of fishing the party had an encounter with the reported lake monster. Before it could act though Veld shouted out a greeting which the monster responded to in common. Taken aback by this large plesiosaurus talking to them the party had a conversation where they learned it was awakened by someone named Ravisin. After they convinced the creature it's intelligence could not be taken away it promised to harass boats in the lake no longer.   Upon returning to shore the party sold off most of their fish for 55cp, keeping a couple for their own purposes. Tali was grateful for their information and paid the characters with a pouch containing a scroll of Animal Friendship and 5gp. The party immediately took their hard won coppers to a local tavern, The Grumpy Moose, owned and operated by Octavia Vangelos. Here they were approached by Hlin Trollbane, a retired bounty hunter, who hired them to track down a serial murderer believed to be in the employ of Torg's travelling merchant caravan. With no immediate leads the party retired to Buried Treasures, a local inn where Tali was also staying. Cora Mulphoon seemed more than happy to have so many guests. The party slept and levelled up to 2.

Rewards Granted

For their catch of knucklehead trout on the lake Grynsk Berylbore paid the party 55cp.   Upon returning with information about the lake monster Tali rewarded the party with a scroll of Animal Friendship and 5gp.

Missions/Quests Completed

Lake Monster
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Report Date
11 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location