Barracks and Armory

Not far from the Hall of the Elders stands the city armory, a small, square keep built from dressed limestone blocks. The place is evidently one of the older buildings in Everlund, but regular reinforcements and repairs keep it strong. A low stone wall prevents anyone from approaching closer than 30 feet. Soldiers patrol the courtyard inside the new wall, prohibiting entry to anyone who is not a soldier or is not on official government business. Next to the armory are six large wood-frame buildings surrounded by another low wall. The sight of soldiers constantly moving in and out of the buildings, and drilling in the courtyard, marks this as the city’s main barracks. The army has set up a special station just inside the main entrance to the courtyard, where mercenaries and adventurers may obtain work patrolling Evermoor Way and keeping the route clear of monsters and other threats.
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