Moongleam Tower

The most prominent edifice in Everlund is Moongleam Tower, a keep of black stone that serves as a Harper stronghold in the North. It rises from one of the higher knolls in the city and consists of four narrow, cylindrical towers joined together, surrounded by a dry moat that can be quickly flooded through a system of cisterns and pumps. Crowning the roof is an open turret, where a signaling mirror shaped like a crescent moon stands.

At any time, from 5 to 15 (2d6 + 3) Harpers are in residence, attended by a loyal staff and a private garrison of twenty veterans. Moonlord Daviana Yalrannis is the master of the tower, charged with its defense and upkeep. A powerful Harper wizard named Krowen Valharrow also resides in the tower, along with dozens of domesticated tressym and a handful of apprentice mages. Apart from their ability to fly, the tressym behave like normal house cats.

Near the top of Moongleam Tower is a circular, windowless room that contains a permanent teleportation circle, which high-ranking Harpers use to enter and leave the tower unseen. The circle is part of a Harper network of teleportation circles linking Everlund, Loudwater, Mirabar, Neverwinter, Waterdeep, and Yartar. The teleportation circle is located inside a circular chamber. Krowen has assigned a brusque but reliable apprentice named Nespril Menk (LG male Damaran human mage) to watch over this circle during the day, and a lazy, sleep-deprived apprentice named Flewen Aldhark (NG male Chondathan human mage) to mind the circle at night.

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