The Everlund Slasher

Through many days of torment and manipulation, Doreena Dirge-Dancer turned a knight of Tyr, Sir Jordeth Tavilson, into a creature of terror and murder. Her ego would never let her admit it, but she didn’t understand how it happened. All she knew is that the transformation came upon him rather suddenly, and with it she gained new power fueled by the horror that consumed him. He followed her commands… to a degree.

Doreena entered Everlund the same day as the party of adventurers she had encountered when she first dug her claws into the knight. Disguised as Dian, a middle-aged human woman with greying black hair who claimed to be a lay follower of Eldath, she snuck Tavilson into the city at night and spread terror and despair through the death of innocents. The townsfolk named him simply the Slasher by the trail of gruesomely dismembered victims he left in his wake.

Doreena's magic drove Everlund's Keeper of Bridges, Kythora Shen, into seclusion, hampering any attempt by the city watch to find the Slasher. The adventurers took matters into their own hands. Now allied with the Harpers of Moongleam Tower, they convinced several of the tower's resident tressyms to scour the city for the murderer. The hunt was successful, but the Slasher evaded the adventurers after a brief skirmish.

The Slasher became the target of fanatical followers of Bhaal. Doreena was not about to let the cultists claim her prize, and she arranged for the Slasher to be caught between them and the adventurers. The adventurers killed the Bhaalites and the Slasher. They eventually discovered Doreena as well. Using her natural powers of invisibility, she fled into the Rauvin River and escaped.


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