Dagult Neverember Character in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Dagult Neverember

Lord Protector of Neverwinter


Neverember had "pumpkin-brown" hair, deep-set dark eyes, and broad shoulders. He was often called a "lion of a man" for both his appearance and bearing. Neverember had a quick temper. He was ambitious and manipulative. He considered himself to be superior to everyone else, this made him overconfident. He was also charismatic and proud, and people considered him easy to like.   Lord Dagult Neverember—Open Lord of the cosmopolitan Waterdeep and an imperialistic merchant-has named himself Lord Protector of Neverwinter, and he is slowly rebuilding its residential districts and defenses after an earthquake leveled the city years ago. Dagult Neverember grew up in Neverwinter, where he began to dream about creating a mercantile empire. At some point he moved to Waterdeep and married a member of the Brandarth family, adding her broad property holdings and wealth to his own. Years after the destruction of Neverwinter, in 1469 DR Neverember started the New Neverwinter movement to rebuild the city, claiming himself to be a descendant of Neverwinter's former rulers and thus the rightful "Lord Protector" of Neverwinter. To lend credence to his claims, Neverember invested a great deal of his own personal fortune to rebuild the city's infrastructure, buy the interest of merchants, and even ensure that Neverwintan refugees had enough food and gold in hand.   In 1479 DR, Neverember became the Open Lord of Waterdeep. Thanks to his political acumen and resources, Waterdeep began to thrive after years of neglect, and he sold many noble titles to potential allies he could rely on in the future while profiting in the process. As he was busy with his new duties in Waterdeep, he left the day-to-day running of Neverwinter to General Sabine and Mayor Soman Galt. While in Neverwinter, Dagult operated out of the Hall of Justice.
(Neverwinter circa 1469 DR prior to Dagult Neverember reconstruction efforts)
(Dagult Neverember)
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
"I am more than pleased to offer my services and gold to rebuilding this fine center of culture and trade. Through our combined efforts, Neverwinter will be reborn as a bastion of good in the Sword Coast North!"   — Dagult Neverember


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