Forgotten realms+ Siege of Neverwinter

Siege of Neverwinter

Military action


Willing to take advantage of the chaos in Neverwinter because of the actions of many factions within the city, Valindra Shadowmantle launched a surprise attack against the city. With the aid of a few Red Wizards, Valindra sent a legion of undead to besiege Neverwinter. She also got control over a dracolich, and she sent it to attack the ships in and near the Docks before sending it to attack the city proper. How she got control over a dracolich was unknown, but some speculated it was given to her by members of the Cult of the Dragon.   Under the military leadership of General Sabine and Sergeant Knox, Neverwinter's city guard organized a quick defense against the undead and was able to defeat the dracolich and ultimately push back the invading Red Wizards.   After their defeat, Valindra and the Red Wizards were forced to flee from the heart of the city. They took refuge in Neverdeath, and began to plot their next movement. In the following weeks, several factions and individuals tried to take advantage of the chaos caused by the attack to advance their own agendas

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