The conclave letters

The conclave letter are an active negociation between The shadow council and several families in the The Islands Conclave to divert the trade of several key resources to areas which are under their control.  

Letters to the Lantern tribe

Original letter

Sender: The trade-master (Y) of the old port in Serene Recipient: Tradesman X for the attention of his family. This first letter was between Skip, the trade-master in Serene, the Stranded Ship towards an merchant from Turtle Tossers he had personally dealed with in the past. This letter in the surface, was just a personal inquiry, regarding how well off had he come off on his recent trade towards his adquisition of gift to distribute to his peers. But there was a subtext in the letter, which was to request how much Pearlsteel has been sold in Harmuth, a nearby port, and letting them know regarding a new ship design, heavily armed, which was using this material to harden it. A small pair of wood bracelets, created with with the red wood from the forest, and nicely decorated with nautical symbols, was send along the letter as a gift.  


X response arrived quickly. He was apreciative for the craftmanship shown in the gifts, which he has give to two of his daughters and let Y know that the plentiful trade from the continent has given his tribe a good position in their summer festival. He was also pleased to see than some people in the continent had good maners and express his intention to visit the city for a quick holiday with his family. As with the original letter, this one had also a subtext implied, their family was concerned with the naval expansion of Entrelai and was open to know more regarding, what Y proposed to remedy the situation.  

Follow up

More letters followed the first one, while both parties measure the intent of the other. This letter had a better reception, than Y expected. Not only the subtext was received but it was answered and it open a negociation alley for them to explore.   While this is happening, the supply of Pearlsteel, which is reaching the continent seem to be reaching their minimun since it began. This is a fact than the conclave merchants who are delivering it, are blaming in a drop of the number of mollusk who carried the precious pearls.


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