Red Drake

The red drake, a fearsome creature of immense power, once called the Dust Peaks home. It became infamous during the CinderMoore revolt, where it was summoned by one of the draconic families to help eliminate their rivals. However, this alliance backfired spectacularly; instead of confining its wrath to the opposing lineage, the drake set its sights on the entire city of Cindermoore. In its fury, it attempted to reduce the city to ashes, aiming to claim the ruins as its own domain. Yet, in a twist of fate, Lunara, Goddess of Dreams and Nyssa, Goddess of Shadows intervened, wielding their combined might to drive the drake away and protect the city from utter destruction.

The red drake's ambitions were thwarted, but the ensuing chaos was only the beginning of its rampage. Following the Sundering, it sought to reclaim its lost power and retaliate against those who had opposed it. In a bold assault on Zephyr's Gate, it faced the Gilded Rishi, a formidable guardian of the realm. The battle was fierce, and the drake emerged victorious but not without cost; it was blinded in one eye, a lasting reminder of its confrontation with the Rishi.

Furious and vengeful, the drake fled north to the Shatterspines. There, it unleashed its wrath upon the settlements, decimating them in its relentless quest for dominance. Among the cities that fell to its fury was one that now lies in ruins, known as the Drakefire Ruins. Even now, the red drake remains in the Shatterspines, a haunting specter of destruction, as it continues to guard its territory and seek vengeance against those who would dare challenge its might.


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