Innoit Estate Organization in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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Innoit Estate

by hughpierre



A magistrate, about four tiers down from the Sapa, who actes as the head and representatives of the many ayllu. They collect taxes, hold religious authority and mediate marriage contracts. They also, redistribute the land to each member according to the size of their families, their social status and their kinship.



The farmers are expected to produce their own sustenance from the land they were allocated. Farmers are required to work on the emperor's lands for designated periods, while being provided the seeds, fertilizer and tools to contribute their labour.   Hundreds and thousands of communities are meant essentially self-sufficient: growing a variety of crops, pasturing camelids, and weaving cloth for themselves and for others when they are without.

Public Agenda

The Estate manages the use of all land within the empire. This can range from the royal estates of the panakas, family farms and terrance projects.
Access to sufficent land is a right that individuals have as members of their respective ayllu.
Great emphasis is placed on storing agricultural products, constructing thousands of storage silos in every major center and along the road system. Hillside placements are used to preserve food in storage by utilizing the natural cool air and wind to ventilate both the room and floor areas. Drainage canals and gravel floors in qollqas help to keep foodstuffs dry.   Food could be stored for up to two years in these granaries before spoiling due to these precautions. Dried meat, freeze-dried potatoes, maize, and quinoa are among the top crops stored in large quantities for provisioning the army and officialdom; and as a hedge against poor crop years.   Careful records are kept of the products and quantities stored on knotted cords.


Land of the Four Corners

Each family worked their land but they did not own it outright. The Estate was always the rightful owner. Land is simply to provide subsistence food for the family and could be scattered at different elevations and climates to produce different products. The exchange of products among the scattered lands was carried out on a reciprocal basis.   The dimensions of the land varied according to its agricultural quality as measured in tupus.
  • A married couple would get 'one and a half tupus'
  • For every male child the couple conceived, they received 'one tupu'
  • For each female child the couple conceived, they received 'half a tupu'
  • When a son or daughter started their own family each additional tupu was taken away and given to the new family
This way, no portion of land is ever unproductive.

Foreign Relations


A class of workers outside the ayllu system who fullfill a variety of tasks for the innoit, the quya and the celestial bureaucracy.


The provincial bureaucracy who maintained their social status after their conquoring and continued to serve administrative, military, and judicial functions.

Political Influence & Intrigue


Unique estates of the innoit nobility who branched away from their royal lineage to maintain the mummy of the deceased sapa and his estates. They are believed to the conduit of communication between the living and the dead ruler. They are heavily involved with the political and ceremonial affairs of the state.

Civil Services
Alternative Names
  • Imperial Real Estate
  • Agricultural Management
  • Parent Organization
    Related Professions
    Controlled Territories
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    Related Ethnicities
    Organization | Dec 5, 2022

    Cover image: Rice Terraces by Ferdinand Ladera


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