Corporal Dwayne Hicks was a member of the United States Colonial Marine Corps, part of 2nd Battalion Bravo Team. He was a member of the combat unit deployed to LV-426 aboard the USS Sulaco in 2179, to investigate the sudden loss of contact with the colony of Hadley's Hope. He was subsequently involved in combating the Xenomorph infestation at the colony. Hicks was part of Second Squad's gun team, along with Private Drake, and was also the squad's leader and Motion Tracker operator. When the unit's commanding officer, Lieutenant Gorman, was incapacitated, Hicks took overall charge of the mission as the ranking Marine. He was the only Marine to survive the incident, alongside two civilians, Ellen Ripley and Rebecca Jorden, and the USCM android Lance Bishop, who was badly damaged.  


  Although Hicks survived the events on Acheron, he and Rebecca Jorden were killed when their cryochambers failed following the crash landing on Fiorina 161, Hicks was impaled by a loose beam in the EEV when it crashed. His death was included in a report by facility superintendent Harold Andrews to Weyland-Yutani. Corporal Hicks was later cremated with Rebecca Jorden on Fiorina 161. As such, Hicks' death was included in a report to Weyland-Yutani by the facility's supervisor Superintendent Andrews, and Hicks was listed as officially K.I.A.. He was "posthumously" awarded a Distinguished Service Medal for outstanding bravery for his actions on LV-426.
Date of Death
August 8, 2179
2151 2179 28 years old
Place of Death

Cover image: by DALLE


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