The United States Colonial Marine Corps (USCM), later known as the United Americas Colonial Marine Corps (UACM) after the 2187 Colonial Protection Act and commonly known as just the Colonial Marines, is the United Americas' primary "force-in-readiness", founded in 2101. They specialize in force projection, being able to operate independently in environments far from home for extended periods thanks to their technological prowess and sizeable space fleet at their disposal. The Colonial Marines are the successor to the United States Marine Corps (and also the UAORD) and are at permanent readiness for immediate deployment across human-controlled space without any additional reinforcement, training or provisioning.   The Colonial Marines, along with the United States Army, are part of the United Americas Allied Command. The primary duties of the Colonial Marine Corps are to maintain security for all United Americas signatories and at all extraterrestrial colonies that fall under the United America's control, and serve as the vanguard of any major combat operation. They have fought on more than two dozen worlds, including Tientsin (8 Eta Bootis A III), Helene 215, Linna 349, BG-386, LV-1201, LV-742 and the infamous Acheron (LV-426). Enemies that the Colonial Marines have fought against included human rebels, local lifeforms found on other planets, Xenomorphs, Yautja, U.P.P personnel, and Weyland-Yutani PMCs.  


The Colonial Marines are the major striking element of the United Americas Allied Command, and is the nation's only major means of forcibly entering a hostile area from space.[1] Its ability to project power on distant worlds makes it an essential element to the nation's security, and as such its versatility and responsiveness are key in any crisis.   While the Colonial Marines are not directly controlled by Weyland-Yutani, they are often called upon as a security force when the interests of the company are at risk, as the business generated by their ventures is considered a great asset by the UA administration.  


"The marines train you like they want to kill you. And yeah, some don't make it. They quit get injured, or they do something stupid and check out early. So, surviving means something. Means you're a tough son of a bitch. Also means you're representing something larger than yourself. The ones who came before you, the ones who'll follow in your footsteps. And the ones you had to leave behind."
— Alec Brand
  The National Security Act of 2101 formally established the Colonial Marines and its structure. At its peak in 2165 during the Tientsin campaign, the USCM numbered over 240,000 Marines; by 2179 that number had dropped to 165,000, with a further 50,000 in reserve.   Shortly after the passage of the Colonial Protection Act in 2187, the Colonial Marines were renamed to the United Americas Colonial Marines (UACM). Additional to the name change, recruitment for the Corps was expanded from just North America to all other regions of the United Americas. Despite the name change, insignia and traditions from the previous organization carried over.   By the 27th century, control over the Colonial Marines had been taken by the once fallen Weyland-Yutani Corporation when it had once again risen to prominence, making Weyland-Yutani the most powerful company in human history, governments included.


Founding Date
Military, Marine Corps
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Related Traditions
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Related Items
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members


Cover image: by DALLE


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