The Fiorina 161 Class C Work Correctional Unit, commonly referred to as C-Max, (IRIS Ident No. R161/12037154[1]) was a maximum security prison on Fiorina 161 that was established in 2152. Originally built, owned, and operated by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation as a commercial mining venture, the installation's primary purpose was to act as a penal labor camp, detaining dangerous prisoners whilst also providing a large convict workforce to operate the adjacent industrial lead works.  


The correctional unit was built to house double-Y chromosome maximum-risk inmates. The prisoners themselves were used as a source of free labor in a lead foundry run on natural methane that was constructed alongside the prison. Here the inmates manufactured lead shielding for use in nuclear and toxic waste containment systems. The entire complex was powered by an automated fusion reactor and spread out over some 16 square kilometers. Water was supplied by a desalinization plant built in the neighboring bay.   At its peak, the facility housed 5,000 male inmates, almost all double-Y individuals, but this number was drastically reduced when Weyland-Yutani shut down the penal facility in 2175. After the closure, the facility became a low priority for Weyland-Yutani and the only regular communications with the outside world was a supply ship that visited every six months to drop off vital necessities. Despite the potential abundance of power that could be generated by the colony's reactor, its output was dramatically scaled back to the point where significant uninhabited portions of the complex were left unlit and unheated. In these unlit areas, illumination was typically provided when required through the use of candles, made using wax the prisoners recycled from molds used in the lead works. Owing to the lack of qualified maintenance personnel on site, a thorough systems check of the colony's reactor was carried out as part of the supply ship's visit every six months.  


Early history
The colony on Fiorina 161 began as a commercial mining operation, founded by Weyland-Yutani in 2118. By 2127, all valuable natural resources on the planet had been exhausted, and on February 2, 2152, the refinery was decommissioned. Subsequently, the colony was leased to the EU/UK and recommissioned as a Class C penal complex on June 8, 2152, gradually growing to its peak capacity of around 5,000 inmates. As standard, each inmate was stamped on the back of the head with an identifying bar code, containing the individual's DNA profile, date of birth, case file reference(s), crime for which they were convicted, jurisdiction, sentence, and any proclivities.[11] Many of the inmates embraced religion, following an apocalyptic millenarian faith based on Christian worship that was particularly popular with convicts — it is estimated that around 4 million inmates within the core systems followed these beliefs.   A changing political climate led to the vast prison facility being closed down in December 2175, at which time the vast majority of the convicts held there were transported off-site. However, a small number of inmates wished to stay behind, largely as a consequence of their beliefs; they were ultimately allowed to do so under the supervision of three custodians. These remaining prisoners were generally free to roam the facility; despite their serious past crimes, their religious beliefs ensured they generally lived in harmony with each other, awaiting what they foresaw as the end of the world. The prisoners were led in their faith, which included a strict vow of celibacy, by inmate Leonard Dillon. With no internal conflict and no means to escape the planet, there was no need to confine the inmates to cells. They continued to produce lead shielding for nuclear waste containers, albeit on a far smaller scale than before, although after a time these operations also ceased. With only a handful of people left to maintain the sprawling prison, large parts of the facility were simply abandoned. By 2179, even the areas that were still occupied had deteriorated significantly, with much of the prison's electronic equipment (including its video surveillance system) now inoperable.  
Current Status
After and unspecified event in 2179 the facility was closed completly and placed under quarantine by the USCMC, although Weyland-Yutani maintains a research facility on site.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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