(a.k.a. 85)

Francis Aaron, nicknamed "85" (after his IQ), was a Weyland-Yutani Corporation employee and a prison guard at the Fiorina "Fury" 161 Class C Work Correctional Unit. When the facility was officially closed down by Weyland-Yutani, Aaron stayed behind, along with warden Superintendent Andrews, to oversee the prisoners who wished to remain. He was involved in battling a lone Xenomorph that was born in the prison in 2179.   While ostensibly second in command at the prison, Aaron was woefully unqualified to lead in the wake of Andrews' death and was not very well liked by the prisoners. Despite his shortcomings, he survived the Xenomorph's rampage, only to be shot and killed by Weyland-Yutani Commandos after assaulting Michael Bishop.
"You keep telling me how dumb I am. Well I'm smart enough not to have a life sentence on this rock!"
— Aaron
Date of Death
August 11, 2179
2140 2179 39 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths

Cover image: by DALLE


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