After the first Gorham Mining Colony was annexed by the UPP in the early 2100s, Industrialist Charles Gorham simply founded a better one. This terraformed world is the site of the deepest mining operation in the Outer Veil. Mine shafts on JPG-770.03 descend as far as 42 kilometers. Some sections of the planet were gouged and strip-mined before safer methods were introduced. The colony exists to service the mining operations, but the miners themselves are brought in on 18 month contracts. Gorham's Folly employs numerous service androids to keep the miners happy. Extensive trade routes exist between JPG-770.03, the Core, and the Outer Rim.  


Following the annexation of the Gorham Mining Colony by the Union of Progressive Peoples in the early 2100s, industrialist Charles Gorham decided to establish a superior mining colony. Said colony took the form of planet JPG–770.03 in the JPG-770 System of the Outer Veil's Sector 3847, subsequently dubbed Gorham's Folly. The planet was terraformed and mined; initial excavations were brutal, and involved gouging and strip–mining before safer techniques were introduced. As of 2183, both the Three World Empire and the Weyland-Yutani Corporation had interests on Gorham's Folly, and the planet was the nexus of several trade routes running to the Core Systems and the Outer Rim Territories.  

Climate and terrain

Owing to terraforming, Gorham's Folly featured a breathable atmosphere and a temperate if arid climate with a mean temperature of 35°C. The planet's terrain was rocky and replete with plateaus, fissures, and canyons.  


As of 2183, the population of Gorham's Folly stood at 700,000. Miners were rotated in on eighteen–month contracts.  

Points of interest

Gorham Colony was the sole settlement on Gorham's Folly. Gorham's Folly was also the site of the deepest mining operation in the Outer Veil, with shafts therein descending to a maximum depth of forty–two kilometers.  
Location under
Owning Organization
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Cover image: by DALLE


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