In orbit around the ringed gas giant KJ-331, Lebanon II is a moon on the brink of a revolution. Decades of shifting governmental allegiances hasn't helped the Wells colony prosper, but has instead helped line the pockets of many corporate execs. The Wells lies directly over a massive natural spring that produces fresh water with naturally occurring electrolytes—making it a favorite of the elite and sought after in the Inner Core Systems.   Contracts with several corporate concerns see that the moon is heavily mined for its water, iron, and uranium reserves which are sold at a premium while the colonists are forced to live in squalor. As petitions for better living standards have been ignored by the greater United American government, a small South American state has seen the plight of the Wells colony as a means to gain more power in the UA. As such, they have begun encouraging the rebels to sabotage supply lines while making demands for better wages and supplies. With the rebels growing bolder, it’s only a matter of time before the Colonial Marines are called in.  
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Articles under KJ-331B "LEBANON II"

Cover image: by DALLE


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