KOI-947.01: PELICAN COLONY Geographic Location in FRONTIERS OF DARKNESS | World Anvil


KOI-947.01, a planet within The Far Spinward Colonies, is known for its tumultuous history and susceptibility to natural disasters. Home to the once-thriving Pelican Colony, this planet played a crucial role in the agricultural industry of the frontier. However, recent catastrophic events have transformed this fertile world into an uninhabitable wasteland.  

Early Colonization and Agricultural Prosperity

Arrival and Settlement
A century ago, when the first wave of colonists landed on KOI-947.01, they were met with a barren landscape devoid of indigenous flora. Despite the initial bleak appearance, soil analysis revealed a hidden gem: the planet's soil was exceptionally fertile, rich in nutrients and prime for cultivation. This discovery sparked excitement and hope among the settlers, who saw the potential for transforming this desolate world into a thriving agricultural hub.   The colonists wasted no time in harnessing the potential of KOI-947.01. With minimal terraforming efforts—primarily focusing on adjusting the atmospheric composition and introducing water management systems—they began to plant crops. The temperate climate and long growing seasons allowed for multiple harvests each year. Initial crops included hardy staples such as wheat, barley, and potatoes, which quickly took root and flourished in the rich soil.   As the agricultural capabilities of the planet expanded, so did the ambitions of the colonists. They established Pelican Colony, named after the resilient seabird, symbolizing hope and sustenance. The colony's rapid agricultural success attracted more settlers from diverse backgrounds, including scientists, engineers, and families looking for new opportunities. Over the years, Pelican Colony developed sophisticated farming techniques, integrating advanced hydroponics and genetic crop modifications to maximize yield and efficiency.   The colony’s success was not only a testament to human ingenuity but also a beacon of hope for other colonies in the Far Spinward region. By the second half of the 21st century, Pelican Colony had cemented its place as a major food provider, supplying vast quantities of produce to nearby settlements and contributing significantly to the overall stability and growth of the frontier colonies.  
The Breadbasket of the Frontier
By 2100, Pelican Colony had evolved into a flourishing agricultural society, earning the well-deserved nickname “the breadbasket of the frontier.” The colony’s population had swelled to millions, with vast expanses of farmland stretching as far as the eye could see. The implementation of cutting-edge agricultural technologies, including automated farming drones and AI-driven crop management systems, allowed the colony to achieve unprecedented levels of productivity.   Pelican Colony's fields were a patchwork of vibrant green and gold, producing an array of crops that included not only basic staples but also fruits, vegetables, and even some luxury items like coffee and spices. The colony's agricultural output was not just about quantity but also quality. The produce from Pelican Colony was known for its exceptional taste and nutritional value, making it highly sought after across the frontier.   The economic impact of Pelican Colony was profound. The food produced here fed countless other colonies, ensuring their survival and prosperity. Trade networks flourished, with regular shipments of foodstuffs being sent to colonies spread across the Far Spinward region and beyond. This steady supply of food played a crucial role in the expansion and development of human settlements in space.   The importance of Pelican Colony became even more pronounced during the Isolation. When the Far Spinward Colonies were cut off from the rest of human civilization, the self-sufficiency of Pelican Colony proved to be a lifeline. While food prices in the Middle Heavens skyrocketed due to the sudden scarcity, Pelican Colony continued to produce and distribute food within the isolated region. This resilience likely saved many colonies from starvation and collapse, underscoring Pelican Colony’s role as the backbone of the frontier’s food supply chain.  

The Isolation and Its Aftermath

Surviving the Isolation
When the Far Spinward Colonies were cut off from the rest of humanity due to massive solar ejections, gamma bursts, and waves of radiation, Pelican Colony faced an unprecedented challenge. The period known as "the Isolation" began, plunging the colony into a prolonged state of disconnection from the broader human civilization. Despite the immense difficulties, Pelican Colony managed to survive.   The once-thriving population of millions dwindled dramatically, with only a single city of 100,000 residents remaining. This drastic reduction was due to a combination of factors: the immediate impact of radiation, the failure of life-sustaining infrastructure, and the sheer psychological toll of isolation. Those who remained had to adapt quickly to their new reality, relying on their ingenuity and the limited resources at their disposal.   To cope with the Isolation, the colony implemented stringent rationing systems and maximized the use of their automated farming technologies. The fertile soil of KOI-947.01 continued to yield crops, albeit at reduced levels. The residents of Pelican Colony worked tirelessly to ensure that they could produce enough food not only for themselves but also to sustain any other isolated Far Spinward Colonies within the 20-parsec limit. These efforts likely prevented widespread famine and kept hope alive for many colonies struggling to survive in the shadow of the Isolation.   Social cohesion became a critical factor in Pelican Colony's survival. The community banded together, pooling resources and sharing knowledge to overcome the numerous challenges they faced. The colony’s leaders played a crucial role in maintaining morale and coordinating efforts, fostering a spirit of resilience and solidarity among the inhabitants.  
Disaster Strikes
A year ago, Pelican Colony faced yet another catastrophic event. The local sun, a G7 main sequence yellow star that had been stable and gentle for centuries, underwent a dramatic and violent change. Without warning, it began to emit deadly levels of radiation, flooding the KOI-947.01 system and rendering Pelican Colony uninhabitable almost overnight.   The sudden onslaught of radiation was devastating. Protective measures that had been sufficient during the Isolation were overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the solar activity. Within a matter of days, the colony's infrastructure, designed to support human life and agriculture, was critically compromised. The radiation permeated the atmosphere, poisoned the soil, and irradiated water sources, making survival impossible.   The population, already reduced by years of isolation, was decimated. Some colonists managed to escape the planet, while others sought refuge in desperate and ultimately futile attempts to survive. The tunnels behind the great Godafoss waterfall, once a source of natural beauty and a symbol of resilience, became a final refuge for many. Unfortunately, those who fled there eventually starved to death, unable to secure enough food and clean water to sustain themselves.   Another group sought safety in the Skritio Caves, an ancient Engineer Guardian ship embedded in the mountains. While this protected them from the radiation, it exposed them to a far more insidious danger. The caves housed the slumbering Perfected and the deadly 26 Draconis strain. Those who hid there were infected, with most suffering hideous deaths. A few survived, transformed into altered states of Abomination, lying dormant within the vessel's bowels.   The disaster left Pelican Colony in ruins. The once-bustling agricultural hub, known for its vast fields and vibrant communities, was now a ghostly wasteland. The colony’s automatons, programmed to maintain the facilities and tend the fields, continued their work in a hauntingly futile routine. The streets remained clean, and the fields were meticulously tended, but little could grow in the irradiated soil. The sight of these diligent machines amidst the devastation serves as a poignant reminder of the colony's lost glory.  

The Aftermath of the Radiation Flood

Escape and Survival Attempts
A few fortunate individuals managed to escape the irradiated planet, while others sought refuge in natural and artificial shelters:
  • Godafoss Waterfall Tunnels: Some colonists hid in the tunnels behind the great Godafoss waterfall. Unfortunately, they eventually starved to death due to a lack of resources.
  • Skritio Caves: Others took refuge in the Skritio Caves, an ancient Engineer Guardian ship that had merged with the landscape over time. While this protected them from radiation, it exposed them to the slumbering Perfected and the 26 Draconis strain. Most of these individuals died horrific deaths, but some survived in altered states of Abomination, now lying dormant within the vessel.
  • The Colony's Current State

    Despite the catastrophic events that have befallen Pelican Colony, the automated systems designed to support human life and agriculture continue to operate with eerie precision. These systems, built to withstand the rigors of space and time, now function in a vastly different context than originally intended.  
    Automatons at Work
    Pelican Colony's infrastructure included a vast network of highly advanced automatons. These machines were initially created to alleviate the burdens of daily labor, allowing colonists to focus on more complex and rewarding tasks. Today, these automatons continue their routines, maintaining facilities, cleaning streets, and tending to fields as if nothing had changed.   The sight of these diligent machines amidst the lifeless landscape serves as a haunting reminder of Pelican Colony’s former prosperity. Where there was once vibrant life and bustling activity, now there is only the hum of machinery and the empty silence of abandonment. This ghostly tableau of operational efficiency in a place devoid of humans is a poignant testament to the colony’s fall from grace.  

    Legacy of Pelican Colony

    The history of KOI-947.01 and Pelican Colony is a powerful narrative of human resilience, ambition, and the unpredictable nature of space colonization. From its early days as a barren world with fertile soil to its rise as an agricultural powerhouse and eventual decline, the colony’s story is filled with both triumphs and tragedies.   Today, Pelican Colony stands as a ghostly relic of a bygone era. Its well-maintained infrastructure and dormant fields silently narrate the tale of a civilization brought low by the capriciousness of the universe. The colony's story, preserved in its automated systems and empty streets, serves as a sobering reminder of both the potential and the peril of humanity’s quest to explore the stars.
    Location under

    Cover image: by DALLE


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