New Horizon is the primary colony on Taurus 7, established by Lasalle Bionational as the central hub for their operations on the planet. It is a thriving settlement focused on resource extraction, biotechnology research, and supporting the broader colonization efforts on Taurus 7.  

Geography and Layout

Location: New Horizon is strategically situated in a resource-rich region of Taurus 7, surrounded by mountainous terrain and mineral-laden plains. This location was chosen to facilitate easy access to key mining sites and research areas.   Colony Design: The colony is designed with a combination of utilitarian and modern architectural styles, featuring robust structures to withstand the planet’s environmental challenges. The layout includes residential zones, industrial areas, research facilities, and communal spaces.   Central Plaza: At the heart of New Horizon is a central plaza, a bustling area that serves as the colony’s social and commercial center. It hosts markets, recreational facilities, and administrative buildings.  


Diverse Workforce: The population of New Horizon is composed of scientists, engineers, miners, administrative staff, and support personnel. The colony attracts professionals from various backgrounds, all contributing to its dynamic and skilled workforce.   Population Size: New Horizon has a population of approximately 20,000 permanent residents, with additional transient workers and visitors arriving as needed for specific projects and tasks.  


Mining Operations: The backbone of New Horizon’s economy is its extensive mining operations. The colony processes a significant volume of minerals and other natural resources extracted from the surrounding areas.   Biotechnology Research: New Horizon is also a hub for cutting-edge biotechnology research. Lasalle Bionational’s laboratories in the colony conduct experiments and develop new technologies with potential applications both on and off Taurus 7.   Trade and Commerce: The central plaza and commercial areas facilitate trade and commerce within the colony, ensuring the availability of goods and services for residents and visitors alike.  

Governance and Security

Corporate Administration: New Horizon is governed by a corporate administration led by representatives from Lasalle Bionational. This administration oversees the colony’s operations, ensuring efficiency and profitability.   United Americas Oversight: While corporate interests dominate, the United Americas government maintains a presence to enforce regulations and ensure compliance with interstellar laws. This oversight helps balance corporate goals with broader legal and ethical standards.   Security Measures: The colony is equipped with advanced security systems, including automated defenses and a private security force. These measures protect against potential threats and ensure the safety of residents and assets.  

Infrastructure and Facilities

Residential Zones: New Horizon offers a variety of housing options, from single-occupancy units to family residences, designed to provide comfort and security for all residents. Industrial Areas: The industrial zones house processing plants, manufacturing facilities, and storage areas for extracted resources. These areas are crucial to the colony’s economic operations.   Research Facilities: State-of-the-art laboratories and research centers are dedicated to biotechnology and other scientific endeavors, making New Horizon a center of innovation on Taurus 7.   Communal Spaces: The central plaza and recreational facilities provide spaces for social interaction, leisure activities, and cultural events, fostering a strong sense of community among residents.  

Culture and Society

Collaborative Spirit: The residents of New Horizon share a collaborative spirit, driven by the common goals of exploration, innovation, and colonization. This ethos permeates all aspects of colony life, from work to social activities.   Educational Opportunities: The colony places a strong emphasis on education and professional development, offering training programs and workshops to enhance the skills of its workforce.   Cultural Diversity: New Horizon’s population is culturally diverse, with residents bringing traditions and practices from various backgrounds. This diversity is celebrated through cultural festivals, culinary exchanges, and artistic expressions.  


: Environmental Management: Managing the environmental impact of extensive mining operations and maintaining sustainable practices are ongoing challenges for New Horizon. The colony’s administration continually seeks innovative solutions to these issues.   Logistical Coordination: Ensuring a steady flow of supplies and managing the logistics of resource extraction and processing require meticulous planning and coordination.   Corporate-Political Dynamics: Balancing the interests of Lasalle Bionational with the regulatory oversight of the United Americas can lead to political and operational tensions, necessitating diplomatic and strategic acumen.  

Notable Events

Research Breakthroughs: New Horizon has been the site of several significant breakthroughs in biotechnology, attracting attention and investment from across the galaxy.   Expansion Projects: The colony continues to expand its infrastructure and capabilities, with ongoing projects aimed at enhancing its industrial output and research potential.
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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