Status: Ready for Field Trials
  A dangerous experiment has been brewing in the shadowy corridors of Weyland-Yutani's most secretive labs. Known as Project Life Force, this covert bioweapons program seeks to alter the genetic code of the formidable P. praepotens—Xenomorph designation XX121—to weaponize these creatures for deployment on enemy worlds.  


The project began in 2180 under the visionary yet ruthless leadership of Dr. Neil Babak, a former associate director at the Geholgod Science Institute, and the ambitious Weyland-Yutani executive Ms. Eckford. Tasked with creating a new breed of biological weapon, Weyland-Yutani scientists embarked on cultivating and harvesting *P. praepotens* xenobiological materials for the enigmatic Deep Void initiative.   The early days were fraught with challenges. Despite producing a viable Queen, subsequent attempts to mature queen embryos within the same hive failed, resulting in stillbirths. This setback did not deter the team but spurred them to further innovation and risk.  


Undeterred by initial failures, Weyland-Yutani distributed Xenomorph eggs from undisclosed sources to various testing sites beyond the Garrison Systems. Each site had a dedicated Weyland-Yutani liaison to oversee the experiments. Soon, these sites were teeming with new Queens, dozens of eggs, and an army of adult aliens.   At Fort Nebraska, Colonel Meyers' team achieved a significant breakthrough. They established a research hive and initiated weaponization procedures by introducing the 26 Draconis Strain. This strain, a relic from the ill-fated USCSS Cronus, was procured by Meyers' Blackguard team in a daring mission. Originally developed to contain a Neomorph outbreak, the 26 Draconis Strain was repurposed as a fail-safe against accidental P. praepotens impregnation.   The strain worked—partially. While it arrested the development of Chestbursters in some individuals, in others, it melded human and alien DNA, creating the Xenomorph "Bodyburster" AB Type variant. This success inspired other locations to develop their own derivatives, although many were disrupted by the catastrophic Border Bombings.  


The path to success was riddled with obstacles. Early attempts at genetic modification produced malformed, albeit deadly, specimens. These Aberrations, while dangerous, paled in comparison to pure Xenomorphs.   The project suffered devastating losses. Incidents at Hadley's Hope and Fort Nebraska highlighted the project's precariousness. Maintaining control over these alien assets proved challenging, and the destruction of exterior sites and their resources was a crippling blow.  

Current Disposition

Despite these setbacks, the team pressed on. Efforts to recreate the Ariarcus Bodyburster inadvertently created the "Goreburster" Xenomorph XX121AB, a mutation with explosive outcomes. However, a recent breakthrough at Garrison Beta led to the creation of the "Biodrone" Xenomorph XX121B Type variant. With these new developments, field trials in the Borderline Region are poised to commence.   Additionally, analysis of the black substance used in the Border Bombings revealed it contained the same genetic accelerant as the 26 Draconis Strain. This discovery has prompted the deployment of covert CBRN teams to LV-038 and Ariarcus to procure samples. More teams are dispatched across various worlds to collect other infectious diseases, furthering their bioweapons arsenal.  


The project's leadership knew that putting all their eggs in one basket was a recipe for disaster—literally. The Border Bombings underscored the vulnerability of centralized operations. In response, Project Life Force teams have initiated randomized colony seeding procedures, spreading specimens from the Garrison Beta hive across multiple locations to ensure a viable crop.  


Project Life Force is a testament to Weyland-Yutani's relentless pursuit of power and control. The project is fraught with risks, but the potential to exploit Xenomorph XX121 as a bioweapon is too great to ignore. As the project moves into field trials, the stakes increase. The promise of overwhelming strategic advantages drives the team forward, even as they navigate the perils of this dark and dangerous endeavour.

Cover image: by DALLE


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